This is the infinite wisdom behind Ancestor Work and the reason why the ancients utilized this practice. They knew that crying, whaling, mourning, ritual, sacrifice, song, and offerings were all forms of worship that assisted in shifting the energy where and when it was needed.
The world of today is far removed from this practice. We have become emotionally, and spiritually disconnected because we don’t make space for the art of ritual in our lives in intentional and purposeful ways.
As spiritual beings in this third dimensional experience, we carry within us the DNA of our ancestors, their pain, their heartbreak, their cycles, their stories, the joy and their success.
If you or a loved one has experienced some form of trauma, part of integrating this trauma is Ancestor Work. When you look back at your lineage, the cycle of trauma is guaranteed to reveal itself. You are likely not the first to feel the expressions of it.
If this is true for you, it is because that energetic expression hasn’t been integrated. Working with your ancestors allows for knowledge to be unlocked, passed down, and deeper healing to occur. Through storytelling, grieving, laughing, crying, and offerings, we honor the dead in all of their glory because without them, we would not be here.