Hey Queen - Have you been feeling a little low, physically, spiritually and emotionally? Experiencing sadness, anxiety or bouts of depression? Suffering from headaches, migraines, memory loss and/or fatigue?
It sounds like you may be feeling slightly close-minded (hehe) and it is time to rebalance your crown chakra and tap back into a higher state of vibration!
Your crown chakra is located at the crown of the head. The gift and energy of this chakra is experiencing a higher level of consciousness, unity and the realization that everything is connected. It is the experience of “one-ness”.
The crown chakra is the transcending chakra – the meeting point between the finite and infinite. The symbol of the crown chakra is the thousand petals, and the colors are violet or white.
It is important to balance the crown chakra in order to keep a healthy open mind and become more insightful, reflective and connected to our own needs and the needs of others. When our crown chakra is balanced, we express more empathy for others and gain the ability to see beyond the polarities of this dimension. We tend to lead a balanced spiritual life and feel like we have more purpose.
Here are some very basic and simple techniques you can use to fly just high enough and crack that 7th chakra back open…
First, you must ground your root chakra. If you are not grounded, you can fly a little too high.
Let’s get started…
I am open and expanded.
I am whole and complete.
I am Peace.
I am Pure Love & Light.
I am connected to all that is.
Color Therapy
Wear the color violet to represent the crown chakra.
Sleep in purple sheets.
Wear purple tinted sunglasses.
Eat violet colored foods such as eggplant, grapes and passion fruit.
Essential Oils
Essential oils are a powerful tool to help transcend and balance the crown chakra.
Two exceptional oils for this are Frankincense and Cedarwood.
Frankincense is known as the “King of Oils” and is known for promoting relaxation and quieting the mind. It may help to oxygenate and stimulate the pineal and pituitary glands, aiding in meditation.
Frankincense also has properties that assist with optimal nervous system health and has high levels of sesquiterpenes – a type of molecule that has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier.
Frankincense is distilled from frankincense resin of the Boswellia Sacra tree. It has been a traditional remedy for thousands of years for purposes including cosmetics, perfumes, skincare and a wide range of therapeutic remedies and medicines.
Cedarwood, like Frankincense, promotes a meditative state – expanding the crown chakra and encouraging a higher state of consciousness. Cedarwood aids with ascension and astral projection, and helps combat negativity. Historically, Egyptians used cedarwood for spiritual embalming purposes.
The earthy aroma of cedarwood is very grounding and calming – excellent for centering during meditation to balance and open the crown chakra. Cedarwood is also high in sesquiterpenes and has strong antiseptic properties. The oil also promotes healthy skin and respiratory functions.
Now, Queen, sit on your meditation throne, ground your root chakra and use these natural solutions to balance that crown chakra. Happy high flying, sister!