Self-reflection is a way to start to recognize patterns, the third eye can support us in that. We must ask the questions when studying theory: how does this apply to me, how is this real for me, or not, can I think of a circumstance where this was true, or wasn’t, how do I relate to this?
Journaling and meditative practices can be supportive in this, as they help to clear the mind so that we may see the waters of our thoughts and emotions as the moving currents that they are. As we get to know ourselves, we open the door to making more connections, and therefore increase integration.
Integration happens through initiation, ie. real life, embodiment anchors wisdom into the physical plane. Integration happens when we see how ideas play out in this world, in messy action, in living and doing, and showing up “for the work”.
There are always organic initiations available to us, if we look at the world through the eyes of magic, within a grounded body, opportunities for growth and application surround us continuously, we simply have to raise our awareness, and accept the invitations.
Conclusion: Claiming Your Key to Your Divinity
Embodiment is communion with the divine, the dance between the divine masculine and feminine within you, it is a place of union between all your inner energies that allows spirit and matter to meet. Embodiment is being able to practice what we preach, to be a living example of all that we have learned.
It is the willingness to come closer to experiencing nonduality, to be willing to live in both realms, understanding that they are one in the same.
Every day you may say, my body is safe for my soul, I am committed to my vessel, to be a conduit for my highest self, I am all that I am. That is the key to becoming an active agent for your soul mission.
Article by Corinne Nicholson