In our current situation, we need all the light workers on this planet as woke as possible. But that doesn’t mean that we should be sacrificing who we truly are in order to fit into the typical “energy light worker” rainbow colored, peace and love mold. Rainbows, unicorns and love are amazing but that is not the flag that every energy workers carries. Just like how beautiful it is that every soul on this planet is different from one another, every energy worker is too.
The way we think, feel, hold space and perform healing session are different from one another. My rituals may look different from the fellow light worker down the road. That doesn’t mean that I am not as spiritual or enlightened as the rest of the community. You don’t have to be a vegetarian or vegan to fit in here. It is okay to eat meat. Nourish your body and bless your food, whatever it is.
You don’t have to meditate for 3 hours daily to prove your devotion to Source. You do not have to feel guilty about only meditating for 5 minutes in the car because you had real life things that needed to get done that day. Sound baths are great, but if your only time to attend one every 6 months because life happened that’s okay too.
As a mom, I have been given the speech over and over again that “you do you”. Whatever works, let it be. Don’t feel the judgement and guilt about trying to fit not the perfect mom category. But what about being a Reiki Master Teacher? Energy Workers? Light Beings? Starseeds? I was not given that speech. But I am here to give it to the rest of you now. The message is- Relax. Do what you can and always have good intention.
If you can’t dedicate that 3 hours on Sunday morning to your Cacao Ceremony because you would rather binge watch that Netflix show you have been wanting to watch and its your only day off, it’s ok. If you are watching a 90’s classic kids movie with your child when you promised yourself you would listen to that podcast about activating and vibrationally aligning with the planet, it’s ok. If you skipped your yoga glass to go have some epic brunch and a glass of rose, it’s ok.
Have good intention, do what needs to get done most important first and and always do your best. This will always bring you to a place of alignment. Put some time aside for yourself and stick to it but if something pops up and it will stress you out to not get that thing that popped up done, then do it. Stop with the guilt, be yourself and have self love. Because at the end of the day, self love is what is going to help us all change the vibration of this planet. Not that one new moon ceremony you went to back in 1999.