Whenever we are embarking on something new, especially as entrepreneurs, visionaries and transformational leaders transitioning into this New Earth paradigm, we will almost always be hit with a new layer of programming, conditioning or limiting belief that we have to work through. It is an inevitable part of our evolution that we can not ignore, suppress or bypass. Who knew that they signed up for the most epic personal transformation journey of their life when they became an entrepreneur? I know I didn’t, at first!
I spent years hopping from one soul-sucking corporate job to the next until I finally decided I was no longer going to stay stuck in the box I created for myself, also known as the comfort zone. I thought things like getting a promotion was my way of venturing out of my comfort zone, only to realize I was never in alignment with my truth, my purpose or my mission in the first place!
One of the key weapons our ego uses to keep us in the comfort zone is perfectionism.
When perfectionism rears it’s ugly head, it most certainly will lead us away from our truth. It typically will arise when we have deeply ingrained fears of being seen, being judged or not being accepted. These fears could even have ancestral ties to survival, where being cast out from your tribe meant death. Perfectionism is also tied to comparison. When we spend too much time consuming other people’s content, or as I like to call it “downloading other people’s truths” we can become paralyzed with inaction.
I wanted to talk about this because I know it cripples SO MANY women entrepreneurs by holding them back from truly stepping into their power, speaking their truth and showing up for their business because they fear being seen and being judged by others. In my opinion the new paradigm is a feminine paradigm and there is no room for perfectionism holding us back!
I wanted to share five tools that can be utilized at the moment these feelings, triggers or behaviors arise, or they can be re-visited daily as a practice.
1 :: Get Curious
Curiosity over judgment ALWAYS. When we fear others judging us, it’s more than likely because we judge ourselves or others. When you notice a block or resistance coming up to starting a new project, creating content or showing up on video, get curious about why you’re feeling that resistance. Ask yourself; What part of me is my subconscious mind/ego trying to protect? Give yourself grace as you move through this process. These are deeply ingrained and will take time, but maintaining curiosity will allow for you to release the feelings of perfectionism as they arise.
2 :: Get Grounded and Connected
If you consider yourself highly sensitive or an empath, this practice is definitely for you! Everyday I start with grounding my energy. Just like a live wire has to be grounded to the earth, we do too as energetic beings. This can be done by physically grounding to the earth outdoors, meditating, or breathwork. It’s also important to start your day by connecting to your truth, your vision and your higher self. Your truth is your values, your unique perspectives, your wisdom, what you stand for and what you stand against. These make you uniquely you and can prevent you from falling into the perfectionism trap. Keep a journal with these reflections handy. Take a few moments to visualize your ideal day or week. This naturally sets your boundaries and keeps you in alignment with your purpose.
3 :: Commitment
What are you committed to? Re-visiting your commitments will ensure that you stay on your path and don’t get derailed by perfectionism. Remembering that you are a vessel and a conduit for your medicine. Always come back to your WHY. Your why is the fuel for your mission. And your mission is the vehicle for your vision. When we are committed we are less concerned with perfection and more concerned with progress.
4 :: Surrender
When perfectionism strikes, it is likely because we are too stuck in our logical minds. We’ve allowed our fears and limiting beliefs to take the wheel. What if it’s not good enough? What will people think? When this resistance builds up it likely leaves us in a puddle of overwhelm and we abandon ship. What if we surrendered to the process and to the guidance from our intuition or our higher self? When we can surrender to our heart over our minds, we develop an inner knowing and sharpen our intuitive abilities because we know that all paths are the right path and that we are always divinely guided and supported. We just have to let go or surrender control.
5 :: Embodiment VS. Action
Yes taking action is necessary, but it can’t just be any action and it certainly can’t be under the guise of perfectionism. When we come from a space of embodiment, we are able to take aligned and inspired action channeled from our intuition and our truth, instead of competing or comparing ourselves to other’s success stories. When we create the new habit of embodying the leader or visionary that we are energetically, expanding into our heart space and reminding ourselves that we are here to serve a purpose and a mission much greater than ourselves, while staying aligned and true to ourselves, we can release perfectionism once and for all!