With a ton of new starseeds and lightworkers joining our community each day, I'd love the opportunity to share how Holistic Fashionista can serve you on your journey to becoming a New Earth Leader.
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With Saturn in Aquarius until March 2023, I felt it was the perfect "time" to introduce my newest 5D Workshop, which will be available for club members.
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I can't believe this is our 16th Empress Festival and it just keeps on getting better! What began in 2017 as a way to bring more Light into the lives of audience has grown, shifted, and transcended over the past 4 years into a divinely guided collaborative project.
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What is intensity and how can it help shape the New Earth? Intensity is a powerful life force energy. It sits in the solar plexus; it gets activated and it moves mountains.
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Most people think they need hundreds of clients to have a successful business, but you actually only need 3 --- three kismet clients® that is. Running a soul-based business doesn't follow all the traditional "rules of business".
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We are over-the-moon to introduce you to a few of our newest students in my Life Path Astrology Readers® Certification program. To help them gain experience with what they’ve learned in my program, they’d love to read your birth chart!
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“I know” a common phrase used by many to describe what they feel they understand cognitively, but to truly know something you must live by it.
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Your environment says a lot about your thoughts — after all, the Universe is mental! Look around your home, office, car, bank account, wardrobe, etc... what do you see? Is it filled with things you love? Inspire you?
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