Your environment says a lot about your thoughts — after all, the universe is mental!
Look around your home, office, car, bank account, wardrobe, etc... what do you see?
Is it filled with things you love?
Inspire you?
Confirms you’re abundant and prosperous?
Does your environment reflect the things you want to manifest?
Or is your space messy, dishes in the sink, wardrobe overflowing, dust bunnies under the bed?
I’m teaching a 7 part course on my #divinedownloads podcast and YouTube channel starting tomorrow on the 7 Laws of Manifestation and I’m going to reveal why some things you desire never come to fruition!
Trying to manifest:
Perhaps you have been scratching your head as to why “that thing” hasn’t materialized — why is that?
You won’t manifest things in your life that are not in alignment with your soul’s path!
And yes, that narcissist you dated or that failed business you started WERE part of the soul’s journey!
Earth is a school for the soul — we came here to learn! Expand! Grow! Develop! And prosper!
And sometimes the lessons we are here to learn aren’t with that specific person you want to be with.
Sometimes bad shit happens and it isn’t by chance!
The Principle of Rhythm says that everything that happens in life is on a pendulum swing.
You will have unruly days.
You will have behaviors you regret.
You will have moments that feel like shit!
And yes, it’s all for a reason.
The Law of Cause + Effect says that there is no such thing as chance or luck!
So... let’s get smart about manifesting by learning these 7 laws (not the Hermetic Principles as I’ve shared in this post).
Get ready for an eye-opening FREE course on hacking life’s greatest mystery:: how to manifest *with* the soul’s path as your guide!
Hope to see you there!