9 Holistic Ways to Heal Your Ego


Article by Erin Fitzpatrick-Heitz

9 Holistic Ways to Heal Your Ego

9 Holistic Ways to Heal Your Ego

See “Overcoming Ego: 3 Steps for Inner Healing”

Now that you have your foundation, it is time to fill your holistic toolbox. Remember Ego is sly, and cunning; it never truly leaves you. When we become complacent it gives Ego room to wiggle its way back into the driver’s seat. Your goal is to fill your body and soul with so much “goodness” in times of Ego attacks, when you are stretched and squeezed, only that goodness will come out and your True self will remain in control.

Body Nourishment

The foundation of emotional stability and physical wellness begins at body nourishment. To combat how we feel in dire times of stress we need to strengthen our baseline of manageability. Everything you put into your body either combats dis-ease or feeds dis-ease. This does not mean you can never indulge, just be conscious of the overall choices you make. Eat high vibrational foods, drink lots of water, take whole food supplements you can trust (study herbs), and drink tea.

Aromatherapy and Essential Oils

Using essential oils, you can uplift your mood and vibration using scent. Our sense of smell is linked to our hippocampus which is the core part of our limbic system. This system is not only responsible for the link from smell to past memories, but also the formation of NEW memories. Pure essentials oils are a powerhouse tool to have in your holistic toolbox; they have both physical and emotional benefiting properties. Spikenard, for instance, is the Oil of Gratitude. Weaving this and other essential oils into your practices can be a huge vibrational shift and lay the foundation to creating new memories and relationship to Ego. The study of essential oils can be done on your own but, it can be extremely advantageous to find a coach you align with to help guide you. 

Create Rituals

Creating rituals and positive habits are the key to keeping yourself accountable. We more easily notice if we have skipped an activity than if our mood shifts and Ego takes control. Working a set grounding practice into your daily routine will keep you balanced and give you an opportunity to “check-in” with yourself. Meditating, connecting to nature, reading oracle or tarot cards, and smudging can all be ways to ground every day.  Weave some or all of these practices into your life with intention.

Move Your Body

Everything is energy. We are energy. If you are feeling stuck or repeating cycles move your body. Yoga, dance, exercise are all fantastic ways to move Ego-driven/stagnant energy and connect in with your physical body. As you create movement, you create space for positive flow.


Connect with Nature

Nature is the original Mother. She will speak to you and show you ways to heal. Spend time in nature, walk barefoot, swim in natural water sources. The same way we can compost our waste to cultivate nutritionally dense soil, we can compost our Ego, our negative feelings back into the earth. Flowing water has powerful properties to “wash” away what no longer serves us.

Dry Brushing

Our body has been with us everywhere we go in this life. Our trauma can get stored in parts of our bodies and as we heal past traumas and woundings they can resurface as ailments that seem unrelated. Dry brushing can promote lymphatic flow and drainage. Since our lymphatic system does not have a “pump” like our circulatory system does, it needs a helping hand to move things along like energy and emotions that are stuck in our bodies. Dry brushing also simulates your nervous system and is a great exfoliant. Talk about a win-win-win!  

*Note: Before dry brushing, ground yourself, and do not be surprised if you experience an overwhelming sense of emotion/s after you have finished. You are moving trapped energies in your body and it is completely normal to feel a sudden surge of feelings.

Light Sourcing

Light Sourcing can be done anywhere, at any time. Connect with source and re-fill your cup to bring light into your physical body and release what is not serving you. Checking in with yourself throughout the day will help keep your Ego in check.

Gratitude Work

Keeping a gratitude journal, or just writing a gratitude list daily will transform your relationship to your Ego. Gratitude is Ego’s kryptonite. Begin each morning writing at least three things you are grateful for. Throughout the day try to find five more things; write them down in the evening and watch your relationship with your life bloom.

Plant Medicine

Plant medicine and Ceremony can be a transformational piece to expand your connection to Mother Earth and heal yourself. It will bring your Ego to its knees. All ceremony can bring deep cleansing and healing into your life if you set that intention. Earth medicines such as cacao, mugwort, or rapeh are all legal and immensely purifying to the soul. Find a licensed or highly trained practitioner in your area to guide you in this journey and explore!

With each area of change you create, focus on your intentions. The ability to create the emotional state, and vibration you want in your life is rooted in your intentions. Each of these examples can be expanded upon and pursued further to assist in your recovery journey. Our goal is not to completely kill your Ego; that is impossible and would be ill-advised. The mission is to cultivate a grounded relationship with our Ego. Our Egos serve a purpose in our sense of self and having healthy pride.  When we are firmly in control of our Ego and can separate our behaviors’ from True self vs Ego self, we can begin to embrace and harness our Ego in ways that it can propel us to our next level.


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at www.theoccultchateau.com


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.
