Creating Space to Receive Your True Yes


Article by Ana Poirier

Creating Space to Receive Your True Yes

Creating Space to Receive Your True Yes

The word Yes has a lot of power to it. It is a full-bodied commitment when said sincerely from the heart, with confidence and truth.

It moves you forward towards what you want (unless you are saying “yes” out of obligation, but that’s another subject entirely).

It opens you up to receiving, whereas “no” very clearly closes you or contracts you.

In order to say an empowered, authentic “Yes”, you need to first have the space for that yes. If there is no space, that “yes” has no potency. It’s an empty promise filled with obligation, should, guilt, hesitancy, uncertainty, etc.

It is not a powerful “yes” that attracts, aligns and uplifts.

How do you connect to your authentic Yes?

This is a question that comes up a lot as I’m working with clients. Here are the steps I’ve distilled from this work.

  1. Release what doesn’t serve (also known as creating space). This involves saying no.

  2. Feel this space or void, and acknowledge any fears or anxiety

  3. Begin to ask yourself what you DO want to feel, experience or enjoy

  4. If you’re at a crossroads and not sure which way to go, imagine going down each path. Take about 3-5 minutes to really feel into actually making this decision, taking this new direction or making the commitment. Notice how each one feels in your body. Is there one that feels more expansive vs. contractive? Is there a subtle difference in the freedom of your breath? Really allow your body sensations to inform you.

    The decision or path that offers your body greater ease and sense of expansion is most likely your true YES ...even if there is a twinge of fear of the unknown.

**Important Note: This is not a mental or rational exploration! Resist the urge to “figure it out” or rationalize, but rather really get into the feeling. This is where your true knowing resides.

There is absolutely no rush to “fill the space”, so take your time.  The fall season is all about creating spaciousness and letting go. Trees release their leaves, and it’s a perfect time to cleanse and detox (a great form of creating space that I highly recommend).

You are now fully open to your authentic YES!

Getting Real With Yourself

If you get real, what do you need to let go of or say no to?

  • A home that doesn’t feel aligned?

  • Physical possessions that don’t speak to who you are or provide you value?

  • Relationships that are dragging you down, keeping you small or not feeding your soul?

  • A career or job that’s keeping you stuck?

  • Foods or habits that you know don’t support your highest good?

  • Attachments, beliefs and thoughts that are not supporting your divine path?

  • The need to have it “your way” or feeling in control  (an illusion anyway, right?!)?

This is a great time to dig deep, take a deep breath (or two!) and let go. Trusting that you’ve now open to what’s even better.

Although NOT easy at all …  when I have personally practiced this in my own life, the immense gifts that these spaces opened up to receive and say a full-bodied, clear, enthusiastic “YES!” have always been beyond what I could have imagined.

In this fast-paced modern age of always doing more and having more, we can be VERY uncomfortable with empty space. You may find yourself avoiding creating space and saying “no” when you really want to, and filling up any empty spaces as quickly as you possibly can.

“Doing, doing, doing” can easily become an empty mantra.

We definitely need the “doing”, but the releasing and the being are just as vital… maybe even more important because it can be hard to say an authentic “Yes” if you’re overwhelmed and swimming in the vortex of “busy” and “stuff.”

Ways to create space with power and grace

  1. Loving, clear “no’s” that come from your True Self

  2. Releasing physical, emotional, mental, relationship “baggage”

  3. Yoga (esp. Yin Yoga), meditation, journaling

  4. The breath - focusing on the exhale

  5. Detox/Cleansing

  6. Crying and releasing emotions safely

  7. Physical exercise, movement

  8. Being in nature (esp. open spaces or high up places)

  9. Sleeping & dreaming

  10. Releasing attachments or the need to control

  11. Slowing down … way down

  12. Going on retreat

These are just a few top favorites for making space for those “yeses” to flow out with authentic power, allowing you to receive the bounty of your yes and your true desires. Choose 1 or 2 that resonate, and begin practicing with the intention of creating the space you need to receive what you want.


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.
