Have you ever felt super motivated to begin a new healthy routine or project, only to fall off the wagon a week or 2 later?
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This is a profound and simple way to raise your vibration, align your chakras, connect to your sensual power and manifest more of what you desire.
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The word Yes has a lot of power to it. It is a full-bodied commitment when said sincerely from the heart, with confidence and truth. It moves you forward towards what you want (unless you are saying “yes” out of obligation, but that’s another subject entirely).
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Wouldn’t it be nice to have a map or user’s manual to what your body needs to truly thrive in all ways? Like your own personal Blueprint that you could reference to know what to eat; how to move; and how to best overcome challenges, roadblocks and self-sabotage to truly live your soul’s brilliance with energy, vitality, resilience and passion?
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