5 Sacred Secrets to Reveal Your Body’s Blueprint


Article by Ana Poirier

5 Sacred Secrets to Reveal Your Body’s Blueprint

5 Sacred Secrets to Reveal Your Body’s Blueprint

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a map or user’s manual to what your body needs to truly thrive in all ways?

Like your own personal Blueprint that you could reference to know what to eat; how to move; and how to best overcome challenges, roadblocks and self-sabotage to truly live your soul’s brilliance with energy, vitality, resilience and passion?

What if I told you there IS a way to discover your unique Body Blueprint? In this article I’ll be illuminating a path that uses a customizable blend of ancient and modern nutrition, self-inquiry and your Astrological birth chart.

Secret #1 - What do you LOVE and Value: Your Why

What really turns you on? What do you love and value? (where do you spend your money and time?) What are your top values?

You can begin by simply journaling on this to create a comprehensive list, then begin to hone in on the top 10, and see if there are any themes or common threads.

Dig deep and really ask yourself what is your bigger why? Why is this important? Keep asking why.

Do you want to be of service?
To be an example?
To have the energy, clarity, inner and outer alignment to be of real impact as a leader and thought innovator?
To have the health and vitality to be active into your 90’s?
To fit into a sexy dress?
To rev up your love life?

There are no wrong answers.

You can investigate this with your Astrological birth chart by seeing where your Venus and North Node show up.

Tune in right now … try to feel it, rather than think it.

How do you want to feel, look, move, live, contribute, enjoy … and WHY?

Secret #2 - Decode your Cravings using Yin/Yang

Your body is ALWAYS seeking balance. Any cravings, whether for food, touch, rest, movement, caffeine, drugs or alcohol are all information into what is potentially out of balance.

Yes, these can be food cravings, but sometimes cravings extend beyond food…

Are you craving salt? Sweet? Crunchy? Creamy? Fatty?

A lot of this is about Yin/yang balance. This is a fairly deep subject, but some examples to explore include:

  • Are you feeling stressed?

  • Are you eating a lot of meat, salt, or caffeine?

  • Do you feel hot, angry, frustrated, fearful, anxious?

  • Do you have a lot of muscular tension?

These can all signal that Yang (or contractive energy) is too dominant, and you need more “Yin”. You may find yourself craving unhealthy Yin.

Sugar, dairy, alcohol, marijuana, cold, overeating, numbing out (TV, video games) are all less healthy Yin cravings or ways your body may seek balance.

Crunchy salty cravings are a clue that you need to release stress through chewing, and feed the adrenals with the salt.

If you’re finding yourself craving the above, try introducing more healthy Yin regularly. Some examples of healthy Yin are:

  • Water-rich foods - especially juicy fruits (sweet and non-sweet) - these relax and expand the body and being.

  • Sweeter fruits can satisfy the “sugar” while still providing valuable vitamins and minerals.

  • Drink more water

  • Practice Yin yoga

  • Try deep breathing

  • Take time in nature

  • Practice being vs. doing

  • Eat a more plant-based diet

  • Enjoy smoothies, fresh juices and creamy foods such as avocado and coconut

Including more healthy yin into your life can help keep you from binging on cookies, cake, candy or ice cream (the classic less-healthy yin craving - cold, creamy, and sweet).

What are you craving?
Or what are you experiencing in your body?
How might you be able to find some balance?

Astrologically you can also see what elements tend to dominate your chart. For example, are you all water? Are you lacking earth?

Secret #3 - Bio-uniqueness 

What makes you uniquely you?

Some factors include your blood type, Ayurvedic dosha, gender, activity level, ancestry, metabolism and specific health issues (allergies, intolerances), as well as what occupies and/or rules the 1st house in your birth chart.

This is all about your unique make-up not just physiologically, but also how you relate to yourself, your body, and your appearance.

This is a pretty deep exploration, but even just starting to discover one or two of these areas can hugely empower your Body Wisdom, and give you deeper insight into your custom Blueprint.

If you’re unsure where to begin, sometimes doing a mind-body detox or cleanse can offer some nuggets, as it helps clears out the excess and toxicity that’s clouding your body and intuition.

Secret #4 - Be aware of your innate blocks or wounds

This is where astrology really comes in handy. The asteroid Chiron, often called the wounded healer, can provide information around karmic wounds that may be blocking you from true health and vitality. It’s like fast-track therapy!

Once you understand this sensitivity, you can more easily have compassion for and work with this block, and even help others.

Secret #5 - Discover your unique emotional intelligence and motivation

Another astrological wisdom nugget comes from your moon.

If you are not taking care of your emotions, honoring them and understanding what you may need to stay emotionally motivated, staying on track and really tuning into your body wisdom is difficult.

This is also where you may need to do some emotional and ancestral healing that can benefit your physical health.

What is your emotional temperature?

  • Are you more fiery?

  • Do you feel things more deeply?

  • Are you super sensitive?

  • Do you process emotions more slowly?

  • Are you practical or logical about your emotions?

  • Do you have a high-tolerance for, and even welcome, chaos?

In investigating where your moon lives in your chart, a lot can be revealed towards understanding your Body Blueprint.

No one else can truly know what is best for you. Ultimately this wisdom lies within you, your ability to really listen, and activate your body wisdom.

Your birth chart also offers a special lens into what makes you you. Enjoy the discovery!


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at www.theoccultchateau.com


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.
