For far, far too long, our society has been conditioned to the shadows of masculine energy. We are known as a patriarchal society, run by men or male energy which has been in power the entire Age of Pisces. We have been taught that the Divine Feminine is inherently weaker and therefore cannot survive or thrive in our modern world. I will go as far as saying, the feminist movement itself has been completely misconstrued. It is based on the principle that women can do and be anything a man can, when perhaps her role here is to do and be everything a man cannot.
Our minds have been molded and conditioned by the shadows of the masculine. When our souls are in harmony, there is a beautiful balance or weaving of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, much like the Yin and Yang symbol. Shadows of the masculine energy are not to be confused with Divine Masculine energy. Shadows of the masculine thrives and breeds in the ego. This can look like and is not limited to, unhealthy competition, need for control, always being right, combative, fighting, arguing, not listening, power hungry, money driven and money motivated, flashy, pretentious, bragging, needing to be validated by others, hot headed, hustling, trash talking... none of this is sustainable! This is why as a collective and as society we are crumbling and having a major Tower moment (which is a necessary crash-burn-rebuild). The times of these shadows controlling us are over. We are exiting the Age of Pisces which was formed on lies and deceit that we had been mind controlled by. It is time for us to bring back the Divine Feminine and integrate her energy so we can heal and rise in the Age of Aquarius.
You see, the Divine Masculine or healed masculine energy is an exit of toxic masculinity, which is a term that has become a bit of a buzzword. Divine Masculine energy is true strength, which is backed by heart centric compassion. This is protecting your family, being a leader, and listening to others with an open mind. If I could combine all the Kings in the tarot deck, with their special elements and gifts: the King of Swords an intellectual with a good head on his shoulders, who speaks eloquently and listens whole heartedly, the King of Wands who is passionate, takes inspired action and has a clear vision, the King of Cups who is emotionally stable, mature and discerned, owns his emotions but doesn't drown in them and comes from unconditional love, and the King of Pentacles who is financially stable, the head of the house and a boss, I would be able to weave together the perfect definition of the Divine Masculine.