Stop Sleeping: A Poem Angel Quintana December 14, 2021 STOP SLEEPING: A POEMPoem by Cindy Stockdale Stop Sleeping: A Poem stop sleepingcome even further upand allow yourself to rise.this can be a quiet revolution,your resurfacing. as you breakthrough,your wake will not drown not be afraid. as you rise,the golden threads that weave youinto the great web of life,shimmering in the ocean of night,they will light the way. feel yourself coming through the voidstop sleepingdo not be afraidbreakthroughand illuminatewith yourascension YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: 6 Steps to Becoming a New Earth Leader How to Raise Your Vibration: 5 Practical Ways to Add Harmony and Flow to Your Life Dare to Dream... Waiting for Permission Gives Up Your Power Minds Tools to Unlock Your Power and Potential Tasseography: Finding Clarity in the Bottom of a Teacup Tools for Empaths: Are You a Vacuum Cleaner of Emotional Baggage?