In uncertain times, familiarity offers comfort. Simple acts like wrapping your hands around a warm cup of tea and sipping the nourishing contents date back thousands of years into human history. Imagine the steam rising from the ceramic mug, the wholesome brew of leaves, flowers, and herbs swirling in the hot water. Now, imagine that your trusted tea can also offer you answers and insight. It’s all there on the bottom of the cup!
At its most basic level, tea leaf reading is interpreting random symbols and putting them into a storyline.
People use tea leaves, coffee grounds, cacao, or unfiltered wine sediment, or in more modern settings, fresh juice grounds. Also know as tasseography, tasseomancy, tassology, or tasseology, tea leaf reading is as ancient as drinking tea, and the truth is that no one knows the true origin of this form of divination.
Tea leaf reading is considered a randomized form of divination.
As the seeker drinks their beverage they infuse it with their energy. The inversion of the cup, that is tipping it upside down into the saucer, makes tea or coffee leaves/grounds cling to the sides and base of the cup. A skilled tasseographer will then read the symbols in the cup. Of all the divination practices commonly performed, this one is always entirely personal.
Seekers come to the cup for countless reasons. Many want guidance in love and romance. Some want previews of their professional opportunities or money situations. Still others hope for health, family, or pet insights. At its best, a tea leaf reading can tell a complete story, perhaps even touching on all these topics. There are usually both “good” and “bad” omens in every cup, but life is rarely simple. Unlike other forms of divination, tasseography is fully open ended. Every cup is unique and the clarity depends entirely upon the vision of the reader as they view the symbols presented in the cup.
Tasseography can offer clarity and insight into any and all aspects of the seeker’s life.
The symbols may offer a different perspective or even a warning. It may highlight areas upon which the seeker should focus their attention, such as personal health or emotion acceptance. After all, everyone can improve their situation, no matter how good things are already. A reading can bring attention to those areas where we are still lacking in skill or depth. Sometimes readings offer the seeker peace. It is not unheard of for very specific messages to reach through the cup and find an audience of one, such as symbols known only to the seeker and a deceased loved one.