4 Keys to Mastering Your Energy to Gain Clarity and Power


Article by Susan DuMett

4 Keys to Mastering Your Energy to Gain Clarity and Your Power

When times are uncertain, how do you cope? Whether you’re dealing with a relationship challenge, illness, work issue, or navigating the ups and downs of the world at large, feeling exhausted, anxious, stressed, angry, defeated is normal, but obviously not optimal. And sometimes it can make us feel so untethered and overwhelmed that we feel helpless.  

Pausing, breathing, and letting the moment pass helps. Regular energetic hygiene helps.

But what if you could step into  a new state altogether—where you felt strong and certain even in the face of uncertainty, and no matter what was going on you were solid in yourself, your clarity, and your power?

You can. But it requires a conscious shift to heal that old, deep, sticky, repeating stuff once and for all and step into our superpowers even more, all while not allowing ourselves to get burned out and overwhelmed. That said, it’s not as hard as it sounds.

The most radical thing you can do

Energy mastery means stepping into the role of magician and fully understanding the alchemy of energy, how it works within you and around you. It means knowing that as you tend deeply within yourself to bring full-on you to life you catalyze big change around you. When you are solid and strong on the inside, the outside becomes less trying and tumultuous. When you are solid and certain about your own capabilities, you are more accurate in your thinking, your intuition, your connection to others and to all that is. Like the magician, you absolutely own how and where you direct energy.

Take a moment and envision what it would be like if you could.

  • Direct how the energy and emotions of other people impact your day-to-day interactions and overall well-being.

  • Tune in to the subtle energy systems within you and around you and shift, enhance, or dissipate them.

  • Own and hone your intuition, discernment, and sensory perception.

  • Know how to move and direct energy to better serve yourself and others.

  • Think and problem solve outside the fray of emotions and divisiveness.

It’s radical because we are taught to do exactly the opposite. It’s radical because it allows you to operate outside the systems and frameworks that are not working. As such, it’s exactly what’s needed to create new ways of living and leading.


The 4 keys to mastering your energy

  1. Tend to your shadows: You cannot master your energy until you have faced your shadows. Your shadows are deeper, hidden parts of you that can unconsciously suck your energy and keep you from being full on you. Shadow is anywhere you are giving away your power out of a woundedness, out of I am not enough-ness, out of “they” are to blame for everything, out of emotional reactivity rather than emotional discernment, out of self-sabotaging habits, out of “I’ll ignore my intuition and do what they say”…you get the idea. When these elements drive, YOU are not at the helm. The crazy thing is that the golden keys to your true power lie buried in your shadow. When you understand this and allow yourself to look, your entire reality shifts.

  2. Take radical responsibility: You are responsible for at least 50 percent of every relationship, conversation, or interaction. Most people don’t take responsibility for even part of their half. We want people to “show up” in specific ways for us—yet we don’t do the same for others. Conversely, especially if we are sensitive, we take on emotions and energy that aren’t ours. Neither is responsible or helps others, and it certainly doesn’t help you. When you choose radical responsibility, everything shifts and you cultivate a state where these things become a non-issue.

  3. Make connection to Source your default: You are—we all are--a creation of the divine/the universe/Source consciousness. No more, no less. How often do you remember this and intentionally work with divine energy? Your answer to that question has a direct relationship to how the divine/universe connects and works with you. A lot of us make intentional connections but do it sporadically or just at certain times—in ritual or when times get rough.  Energy mastering helps you cultivate a continuous embodiment that uplifts your heart and mind, and serves the highest good. You stay plugged in to the power of Source more often than not, opening portals to your own divine genius

  4. Hone your awareness and intention: Your awareness is your container for reality. Read that again. Honing your awareness and intention puts you in the driver’s seat. You are the magician that awakens and directs your empathic superpowers, your sensory perception, your energy mastery. The world throws chaotic waves at all of us. How you hold yourself, where you place and hone your focus has a radical impact on what you experience and your own potency in the world. It’s your choice to own it or not.

You are more powerful than you know

Practicing these keys helps you unhook from beliefs and frameworks that confine, inhibit, block, and shame. You see that you are way more powerful that you’ve been led to believe and that you have access to resources you may not have realized before. Energy mastery puts you in a different operating paradigm –where the focus moves from healing, clearing, trying to keep afloat to totally owning the multi-dimensionality of all that you are. Operating outside of the old frameworks, you become a potent force for real, positive change. Change that truly takes yourself and others to the next level.

Unprecedented times require unprecedented action

If we are present to energy, we know that at any given moment of time everything is shifting. Change really is the only constant. But in times of unprecedented change, things happen fast, everything is amplified by the global media, and the untended shadows within all of us rear their heads. We cannot just do what we’ve always done. Chakra balancing and the like are important, but for those of us who are called, these are the times to throw down and truly master our energy.


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at www.theoccultchateau.com


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.
