Chances are you’re reading this because you’ve been feeling this undeniable nudge to TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE.
I know, it’s a big order, right?
You’re looking at where you are right now - and turn your head to the other side, imagining where you really want to be.
You might have had several sleepless nights, tossing and turning, obsessing over what your life could look like.
You’re uncomfortable with your current life and there’s no denying it anymore.
Even when you go about your day, you find yourself losing your patience, being short, on-edge and constantly daydreaming about “what life could look like if….”
You’re hungry for a change.
You’re tired of seeing people around you do the exact thing you know you’re capable of doing.
And you’re no longer willing to put up with mediocrity.
What a beautiful place to be.
This is when you start to make small changes.
And it’s so freaking exciting because you can taste the freedom.
You can feel it in your bones.
You are stepping into your worth.
You don’t quite know how it’s all going to come together, but you are determined to transform your life.
But let’s be real here.
It’s not always an easy road to start fresh. To be new. To let go. And to live a “fuck yes” life.
So, based on what I know in my own evolution to living a FUCK YES life, I want to warn you about what it’s going to cost you.
Once you know the cost - you can gracefully step into a whole new world without feeling hopeless, fearful, doubtful or distressed.
You can start to unlock a world filled with more meaning, alignment and bliss - and you can do it with grace.
But the ugly truth about your obsession with living your best life is this…
#1 - It's definitely going to cost you. It will cost you your old ways of thinking, being and acting.
Get ready to drop the attitude that attracts more anger, fear, lack, insecurity, self-harm and feelings of unworthiness.
#2 - It’s going to cost you the relationships that no longer align with your big vision.
Get ready to let go of people who you’re only friends with because of how much time you’ve known each other. This might look like saying “No” to events that make you feel anything but high vibe and keeping them at a distant, to protect your sacred transformation.
#3 - It’s going to cost you your time.
Time is money, honey! And the more time you spend with YOU, the more abundant your life will be - on so many levels. As you shift and step into your desires, you will find an incredible amount of support through personal development books, courses and videos. Carving out time to better understand how to deal with the changes will help you maintain that level of confidence and excitement in what’s to come. Creating space for connection with yourself will be key. Yes, this means changing the way you spend time on your weekends. Bye bye hangovers, hello early morning riser!!
#4 - It’s going to cost you the a ridiculous amount of patience in order to see things through. Don’t lose your shit in the process, assuming everything you want - no matter how badly you want it - is supposed to come at your desired timing. Become obsessed with divine timing and you’ll breathe easier through the process.
#5 - It’s going to cost you a level of discomfort. This is probably the most obvious… but the ugliest truth of truths. Nobody said change was easy, BUT, you can make it easy by making peace with being uncomfortable. Remember that the “new life” will be way better than your old life and that any pain is only temporary.
So, while you’re on this beautiful journey of leveling up and intentionally, consciously and strategically creating your best life, always keep both feet on the ground and your vision in-check because yeah, it might get ugly… but not doing anything, staying small and buying into your own bullshit - is even uglier.