The Feminine Divinity Temple: 3 Aspects of Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness


Article by Ava Sophiana

The Feminine Divinity Temple: 3 Aspects of Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness

The ancient temples are in ruins. They are relics of bygone civilizations that were in full communion with the divine. The Temples of the past have begun to dissolve from the physical world so that humanity can come together in the construction of virtual temples – the temples within.

It is a big advancement in collective spiritual growth. It’s the stepping out of a physical structure when it comes to spirituality – an act that demonstrates completeness and self-sufficiency. The modern mystery school is virtual, and we are ready to rebuild the Temple within our body and within the sanctuary of our homes. This is an era of self-sourced spirituality, a journey into the innermost circles of human consciousness in an effort to remember God and our union with all there is.

Self-Acceptance, Self-Love and Self-Mastery are now happening on a daily basis. Higher-Self Embodiment is possible for anyone ready and willing to accept them. This magnificent hologram we call home is shifting into greater receptivity, delivering exactly what any person needs on their path toward spiritual enlightenment. Sacred texts are being written every day – made available to countless disparate and distant souls through the click of a button.

1.  Self-Acceptance

Self-sourced spirituality requires nothing but you – no churches, no priests, and no gurus to follow and be guided by. We now accept only direct communication with God. These communications are becoming more crystalline and clear than ever before. With that the acceleration of the spiritual awakening on this planet is inevitable. That is why the counter forces are tightening their grips – driven by the fear of losing control. Losing control means the liberation of human souls from the indoctrination of separation. It is an unstoppable movement in which our collective says ‘Yes!’ to themselves, to their divine power and to divine knowledge of the Source of all life that lies within us.

2.   Self-Love

This new level of spiritual and emotional maturity is driven by our ability to take responsibility for ourselves through self-love and self-care. This means that you begin to fulfill yourselve -no longer requiring exterior validation to feel whole. It also means that you are free to make requests, ask for help and give clear instructions to your support with regards to what it is that you need.

3.   Self-Mastery

In this global shift, a multitude of undercurrents are driving energy and power towards all light-bringers and way-showers. Women especially are beginning to take center stage and reclaim divine sovereignty. The return and relearning of The One Divine Mother Creatrix of All Life is one movement of many giving fuel to this global awakening. Powerful spiritual leaders, like Kaia Ra are calling female leaders to their sides and educating them to walk through life with courage and professionalism.

From these transformative currents and forces arise some of the most prescient questions present in the collective today.


Is humanity ready to evoke Mother God? And through evocation, finally bring balance to the masculine representation of and presence within spirituality?

Is humanity ready to grant Buddha, Jesus and Mahavatar Babaji a feminine counterpart?

The Divine Feminine Christ movement is about recognizing the One Source Light, seeing that she and you are the same and adopting her form as ‘The Sophia’. She is the Source and the quantum fabric from which all life arises - the womb in which all life is immaculately conceived and from which it is birthed into existence.

In the Old Testament, there are several instances where God is described using lexically female imagery and elements. Notably, as a God that has given birth to all there is.

These are the Divine Feminine aspects of God that are now finally being implemented within the collective human consciousness. And with that, we are beginning to reconcile the masculine God as a Mother God, healing our femininity by honoring our wombs, and embracing all that is feminine within us and the living world around us.

The importance of the subconscious reprogramming that is taking place within this reconciliation process has tremendous effects on our cultural institutions and instruments. Our western patriarchal cultures are dictated by the idea that there is one monotheistic God – male in essence and appearance – who dominates humankind into submission. This widespread belief has led society’s men to view the subjugation of women as their right – inspired by the Divine Masculine God they see as both true and total. This gender hierarchy is backed by over 4,000 years of religious history and scholarship. It has been to the detriment of all humanity – not just women – that these beliefs have taken root. Finally, though, humanity is taking its first breaths of fresh air after emerging from the millennia long slumber that has been its blind obedience.

This awakening is not complete. Even as countless women and men are rising above and escaping their belief in a male-dominated God, somewhere in their subconscious minds a shadow of their former beliefs remain – still influencing how they see and interact with the world.

Until the inner temple of our divinity has been restored and we can connect with The Mother God in a truly devotional way, the reprogramming of patriarchal patterns cannot reach fruition. Therefore, a dedicated and highly individual spiritual practice is required. With guidance and support the dormant pieces of our DNA are starting to be activated.

Our Source is our greatest Power. The Divine Feminine Christ movement is about reclaiming divine power by creating a personal, loving, and intimate relationship with God. It is successful when God is both a sweet Mother and a best friend; a confidant and a teacher. Within that there is room to allow the Father to give loving, unconditional support, patience, and protection. The divine masculine is in devotional service to the divine feminine while she is birthing new galaxies, stars, and souls into this plane of existence.


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


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