Does your relationship with money bring up triggers for you? Do you fear looking at your bank account dreading the thought of there not being enough money? Think of your relationship with money as any other relationship you have in your life. Is it loving, connected, giving, abundant, joyful? Or, is it stressful, fearful, disconnected, overwhelming? Which relationship would you and money prefer?
Achieving financial wellness and healing is a journey in self-discovery and self-awareness. You’ll begin this journey by uncovering any limiting beliefs & stories you hold about yourself and money, raising your vibration, shifting your money mindset. In turn, you will heal and harmonize your relationship with money.
Here are ways to begin your journey towards financial wellness and healing:
SELF-DISCOVERY: Identify your current relationship with money.
On a scale from 1-10, with 10 being the highest (best rating), how would you rate your current financial position?
If you didn’t mark 10, in what ways do you think your relationship with money and your finances could be improved?
What are some beliefs you have that you think hold you back in your relationship with money?
Where do you think these beliefs are rooted?
GOALS: What are the goals you want to accomplish; as it pertains to money?
WHY: Take a moment to really connect to the heart and purpose of WHY you want to achieve your goals.
Journaling is an intentional living practice that helps to focus and clear energy. I invite you to begin a habit of daily journaling. Start by writing out who you need to forgive, including yourself. Work towards releasing any negative thoughts, fears, or judgments you may be holding onto. Journaling is a space to let go of these things which hold us back. It will give you the opportunity to engage with past experiences in your life and manifest your desires. Connect the thoughts and feelings of your soul to paper.
Take some time to journal about what you’re grateful for in the different areas of your life. Oftentimes we spend so much time focusing on what we don’t have, we forget to acknowledge all that which we do have. If we are constantly operating within the context of scarcity, we will never be able to generate inner-peace, well-being, joy, and prosperity. Being in a state of gratitude opens the doors to abundance. We are what we think. Focus on gratitude and raise your vibration.
Begin a practice of daily meditation. Incorporate it into your morning and/or evening routine. Being in a meditative state raises your vibration. When you begin to operate from a higher vibration/frequency, you put yourself in a position to attract more positivity into your life. If you’re new to practicing meditation, start small.
Begin with 3 minutes and build up from there. If 3 minutes is too much to start, try 1 minute. Whatever amount of time you feel comfortable with, the purpose here is to clear your head space so that you can begin to operate from a higher frequency, be more grounded in your vision, and have clarity in your decision-making. Meditating in the morning is a great way to set your intention for the day. In the evening, it is a wonderful way to wind down, and can even allow for better sleep. There are many health benefits to meditation and being a more centered person.
Let’s begin shifting your mindset into an abundant, money mindset. Here are some affirmations you can read out loud daily to shift your mindset. Don’t just read the affirmation for the sake of reading it. Read it as though you believe it, you know it, you own it, it is you. Be in the feeling and ownership of the affirmation.
I appreciate everything I have.
I live in joy.
I am courageous.
I am willing to act in spite of any fear.
I am successful right now.
I let go of negative thoughts and feelings about myself.
I acknowledge my own self-worth; my self-confidence is rising.
I create money, wealth, and happiness in my life.
I am blessed with financial abundance.
How you spend every day is ultimately how you spend your life. Begin creating a consistent morning and evening routine that includes meditation/prayer, exercise, gratitude, journaling, tracking your expenses and income for the day, and connecting to your WHY.
"Before you can transform your wallet from poor to rich, you've got to transform your spirit from poor to rich.” -Robert T. Kiyosaki