(Continued from Tips for Traveling Internationally With Kids - Part I)
Stay Off The Beaten Path
Yes- Paris, Rome, Madrid, and San Juan are all beautiful foreign locations, but have you been transported back in time while watching the sun fall behind a mountain in the ancient Roman town of Brisighella? Popular tourist spots are exactly that- riddled with tourists. If you want your family to really experience the culture of a place, look for the hidden gems. Start by asking you social media circle. Ask on Facebook, Instagram, or tweet “Does anyone know of any small towns or villages near Rome?” Chances are someone will or may at least put you in contact with someone who does. Plus, it’s way cheaper to stay even fifteen minutes outside of a tourist trap.
Explore The Culture Before You Go
Before heading abroad, I love to read novels, and watch novels and documentaries about the country. It’s like getting my vacation started early, and it could be the same for children. It also might help to ease some of the culture-shock they may experience. Look for children’s books & movies that take place in the country you’ll be traveling to with your family. There are also some great online interactive resources like Global Guardian Project and subscription services like Little Passports. I also keep a globe and world map to show my daughter how and exactly where we’ll be arriving.
Pack Light
I never check luggage, ever, even when traveling with kids. I always carry one backpack and one rolling suitcase & so does my daughter. If it’s light enough, most children can carry there own bags. Plus, you have the added comfort of knowing exactly where your bags are, and that they’re not say… in Istanbul when you’re in Madrid. With the advent of airBNB and HomeAway, it’s easy to find a place for your family with a washing machine or at least a nearby laundry facility. In fact, we even had a shared washing machine at a commune in the middle of the Costa Rican jungle!
Find Affordable Flights
Start looking for flights one to three months prior to your departure. My go-to sites are Kayak & JustFly. I always set up alerts with my preferred dates and airports. Remember to check several airports in the area. Landing in the next city and taking a train or car might just save you a couple hundred dollars. Saving money on flights means you can travel more often during the year, and have even more adventures with your family. If you have a favorite airline, consider getting their credit card to earn you flight miles and other discounts, and sign up for frequent flyer membership (it’s free!).
Make Exploring The World A Priority
I decided long before I had a child that travel was a priority for me. Every time I think, ‘I’d like a bigger house’, or ‘expensive shoes’, or ‘cable’, I remind myself, “No, I want to see the world with my family. That is my top priority.” It really puts things into perspective. Look at your life just as it is. What is not as important as traveling with your children- Fancy gym membership? Weekly pedicures? Restaurants? Travel is a privilege, it really is. And I am aware that for some there just is no wiggle room right now. What I am saying, however, is ‘if travel is a top priority for you is there a way you can make it happen?’
Let’s show the next generation the beauty of our differences- the many colors, sounds, and flavors that make this world so heart-shatteringly brilliant.