(Continued from “The Importance of Being Grounded For the Spiritual Seeker- Part I)
But what if the spirit of money actually considers herself EASY. It’s like one of those tried and true friends that can come in and out of your life and no matter how long its been the connection feels so nourishing, so juicy, so mutually rewarding. This is the relationship money wants to have with you. Yes, YOU. She wants you to do you and not worry much about her at all, this way she knows she is always welcome and is never a hassle.
Money is a high-class stewardess and a mud-slinging philanthropist. She is interested in the highest good of all, which may seem confusing considering there is so much money in the hands of greedy seemingly evil people, but let’s remember that there is a neutral place between the extremes and when you access this (acceptance/groundedness) you know everything is okay, is working out, is balanced. Things aren’t so straightforward, they’re circular. (poetic subtleties, divine feminine… receptivity!!!)
Holding the Circle
In a world of go, go, go, do, do, do, think, think, think, create, create, create, social, media, shop, shop, say, say, say-- we are disconnected, distracted, disassociated from the grounded feeling of being ultimately, always held by the Earth, by the Mother archetype in a container of unconditional love where all manifesting is possible.
The child within each of us WANTS this feeling of being held more than anything else in the world. The things we do to express this desire are more often than not sideways, indirect, screwed up, confusing, counter productive, and aggressive aka our shadow.
Attitudes about money have basically been highly polarized. Folks either deplore it as so bad and ugly and dirty and evil, or they rather desperately want more of it as the answer to all problems. The truth is that both of these polarities live in all of us at all times, but most of us genuinely stink at finding the neutral middle space on the spectrum.
The non judgment required to be truly neutral is born in a feeling of being yourself held in a space of total acceptance. Hence grounding into that womb feeling we’ve been chatting about. Can we see how this is a circle? (like the Earth). A circle has no edges and no corners to hide.
To trust we must notice our distrust. Shadow work is #trending as opening the system away from the narrowness of judgment is super rewarding. Grounded security is the core of any shape the reward may take.
Standing On Your Trust
The Earth vibrates in a way that recycles our energy for us, but, like spirit guides and ascended masters and gods and such, the Earth will not help us if we do not invite her. These entities of a higher consciousness respect our free will for goodness sake, when we don't consciously choose to lay on the earth or walk barefoot or send the energy cord streaming from our spine into the gravity of the planet, well, we don't feel the benefits in an alchemically transformative way because we are not open to it.
Availability through awareness is key in this concept and practice of accessing a radiant sense and expression of security. Whatever route you take to be curious and provocative with your unavoidable collection of traumas (not to be compared or weighed against anyone else’s) it is the perfect way when it reconnects you to what you once knew in those groovy days post conception. This is our obsession with nostalgia!
When a lack of openness is present we can experience the Earth element as heavy. Very heavy. We get judge-y, critical, exhausted, complain-y, blame-y… we feel frustrated, fearful, and we radiate depressed desperate energy. Obviously, this does not sound attractive. From this state you are very likely to repulse what you think you want or what you are asking for and you are very likely to call towards you what you need - a wake up call!
Wake up!
You're most likely to have all of your basic needs met and more if you’re really allowing your energy body to be cuddled, cared for unconditionally, cleared continuously by the Mother, the Earth. That sense of being fully supported fills you and you are thriving in the embrace of the Mother archetype and in your conscious relationship with her physical embodiment, the Earth.
Feeling secure is the most power we can hold as a person. The money and lovemaking flow naturally in a secure container reflecting the genuine needs of the creative contributor to the collective. When we operate from an expectation that we would have a strong sense of security or a healthy relationship with sex or money without a conscious engagement with unconditional love, this equates to an energy of demand - obligation - which is distrust - fear. The physical, mental, emotional, spiritual constriction of being in fear restricts our access to and our relationship with the feeling of being grounded, of behind held, of being secure. There’s that circle again, are we spinning? Let’s sum it up: practice practice practice viscerally grounding your energy and noticing your maintenance of this state. Your nervous system free from fear is the definition of security. The best orgasms and the highest manifesting rate are found here.
The End
You are worthy of being hugged, of being held, of being helped in this way. You are alchemizing pure gold inside yourself and this is the great service, the untouchable power, and the filthiest riches in all of the land. (Now throw your head back and laugh, please, for you are the hero and the villain in your own story and I deeply and completely love, honor, and accept this about you).