The philosopher Aristotle, among other things, is known for his statement “Nature abhors a vacuum”. While this maxim is important in physics, this phrase has also been proven as an important spiritual law, also known as The Law of Release.
Whether it’s your house, your body, or your heart, there is limited space available to fit all of the things! In many spiritual traditions, elimination is considered a spiritual power. Just as our bodies eliminate waste and toxins in order to be cleansed and purified on a physical level, we must also eliminate ideas, things, and people that do not serve our highest good.
Holding onto resentments can lead to illness, so it’s important to do the inner work of letting them go. Here are some ideas to make room for your manifestations:
Tidying expert Marie Kondo made a great point about only holding onto things that bring us joy. At some point you will need to clean and/or organize your closet, in order to make room to fit the clothes and shoes purchased during a recent shopping spree!
My favorite manifestation tactic, when I’ve been in need of money, is decluttering my home. I call this “Making Room For Blessings!” I become ruthless about looking for things to remove and recycle, as past experience has taught me that something else will come to replace them. Past purging sessions have resulted in finding long-forgotten money in clothes and furniture, new job opportunities, and even unexpected gifts of items that I love. Not to mention the peace of mind that results from a freshly organized space.
When you are seeking to attract a meaningful love relationship in your life, it’s important to note who is currently filling that space in your life. When you are spending time with “Mr./Ms. Right Now”, you may acknowledge on some level that they are a stepping stone on your way to a serious love relationship. But the time and energy you spend with that person prevents you from meeting someone better, or being seen as available. Some short-term relationships can also create situations that keep them in your life for longer than you expected.
If you’re not seeing anyone, but crushing on someone who isn’t available, the energy occupying your thoughts keeps you from noticing potential love possibilities in real life. Similarly, you will have to release your attachment to “the one who got away” before you can attract new love in your life.
On the platonic, and even familial level, there are people in our lives who are toxic. Our feelings about them can block our manifestations. We often keep some people in our life because we have known them forever (or we are related to them by blood). But if being around these people are harmful to your peace of mind, you may need to consider releasing them from your life.
Releasing people does not always have to be a big, dramatic break up. You can also plan for a gradual weaning away from them, as you move toward a new life without them. If you feel lonely at first, remember that the space will eventually be filled with others who vibrate on your higher frequency.
For the people in our lives who have done serious harm to us, there is often an unwillingness to forgive, and that is understandable. Instead of forgiving them, choose to release the hold that they have over your peace of mind. In this instance, you are releasing yourself.
By releasing yourself, you become open to receive positive manifestations.
Over our lifetime, we build up memories from our childhoods that affect how we behave as adults. Even if we think that we are over them, our current disappointments and deep yearnings will often point toward unhealed wounds from old memories in which we felt hurt and unloved as children.
Therapy, shadow work, meditation, and even deep conversations with a friend can help us unearth those tender areas. But once we discover them, we must also take steps to release those old ideas from childhood, so that they can no longer influence our decisions as adults.
For most of the situations in our lives that require release, affirmations are a great tool for reprogramming your mind. In the case of toxic family members and others who cannot be avoided, you can still use affirmations to lessen their toxic influence. When you cannot change your situation, endeavor to change your attitude about it. Your mindset is your most powerful tool.
Inspired by New Thought minister, Catherine Ponder, below are affirmations that you can repeat in the morning and at night, in order to release the people and ideas that can block your manifestations. You can modify these for your needs, and repeat daily to loosen the grip of strong emotions:
"I fully and freely release you. I loose you and let you go. All that has happened between us is released now and forever. I free you to your highest good."
"I now release and bless you. Divine Love is adjusting my life and its problems. Realizing this, I abide in peace."
"I let go of my tense hold on persons, places, events, things. I let go what goes. I never lose. That or something better will always be given to me. Divine Release produces perfect results of health, wealth and happiness for me and through me now.