6 :: Ditch The Negative Self-talk
We can be extremely judgmental of ourselves, and you will no-doubt have experienced exaggerated and harsh self-criticism at times. And sometimes still do. This negative self-talk can really bring you down, damage your self-esteem and contribute to depression and anxiety. That's not how you would treat a Goddess! To manage this criticism you first need to become aware of exactly what the judgements are and the emotions attached.
Then write down a positive statement to counteract each judgement. So that you express appreciation for yourself instead. If you find it hard to come up with an opposite positive statement then write a list of all the qualities you like about your self. It may be your smile, your sense of humor, your compassion, your eyes, – whatever. Make one or two of them, into a statement.
Whenever you catch yourself having a negative or demeaning thought or feeling about yourself, repeat your positive statement(s) and infuse it with a high vibe of love and/or gratitude.
7 :: Connect With Mother Nature
If you spend much of your time indoors then you can find yourself feeling disconnected from nature and its nurturing energy. So try to take time to regularly go outside in nature. Do activities outside like biking, swimming, or walking to appreciate and celebrate the beauty of nature. Ground yourself and draw up earth energy into your body - if possible going bare foot.
This is important to remind yourself where you came from. Acknowledging the beauty of nature acknowledges your inner Goddess.
To help you to honor yourself, embrace your inner Goddess now. Love yourself like the Goddess you really are. Your self-esteem will sky-rocket when you do.
Article by Sally Ella Horn