Energy is rhythmic. There is a frequency…a pulse…a mystic rhythm to all energy.
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What is validation? In essence this a term that implies that you’re looking for confirmation that you’re doing the right thing with your life…from someone other than yourself. It’s that sticky spot that we venture into sometimes when we’ve handed over our own scepter to grant others the power to shower approval on us for what we are doing with our lives.
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The first time I read the Zen proverb that says, “Let go or be dragged” was on a magnet in a beautiful marketplace amongst flowers, and other pretty things. Big power can be delivered in small packages.
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here is an American proverb that says, “Let go or be dragged.” Never has there been a truer statement. I guess it sometimes takes a bit of being dragged, and a few bumps & bruises along the way to learn the lesson within the lesson…that you get what you are willing to tolerate.
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What would our world be with out a bit of chaos? Personally, I think we could all live with a little less of certain types of chaos, but it’s all part of our path. Especially when we have made a conscious choice to live a holistic lifestyle. At our truth, as holistic and consciously enlightened entrepreneurs, that is what we do.
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