Stop Making These 5 Excuses! Grow your Design Business Today


Article By Jennifer Nesbit Holt
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #30

Stop Making These 5 Excuses! Grow Your Design Business Today

Stop Making These 5 Excuses! Grow Your Design Business Today

I have two questions for you... Are you trapped in all the reasons NOT to start that dream design business? Are you still swimming in uncertainty splashing around in the kiddie pool of imagination because its 'safe’?

You know you really want to unleash your design voice! So why not STOP making these 5 excuses and dive off the high-dive into the ocean of success!? Get inspired to move past your blocks so you can grow your design business today.

1 :: I Don't Have Enough Money

Who does? You could sit in this false mindset all day, every day. This is the most costly mistake holding you back.    
By saying “I don’t have enough” is an example of the “lack” mentality holding you back from attracting abundance and the design career that you are meant to create. You’re simply denying yourself of a higher possibility—a soul goal.  
There is an ancient business idea that all start up businesses need ’funding’. Frankly, this is old-school and limiting to your success. There are 101 ways you can open the doors to your new design studio! Here are some things to consider to determine if you are ready to move past ‘not enough’:
        |Are you resourceful? Who do you know and how can you cut corners in the beginning?
        |Are your sights set TOO high? Think about if you have a tangible plan. Is jumping strait to the idea of having a fully staffed, design firm with 100k+ clients really feasible?
        |If you say you REALLY want to do this, plan smart and work hard!

2 :: I Don't Have Enough Time

If you have your clear vision but the excuse of time is holding you back, you’re not alone. I struggled with this mindset before opening my wellness studio. Being a mother, fine artist and teaching yoga full time had me strapped, I thought there was no way in hell I could do start a successful wellness studio but I found the time because I was on a mission and passionate. Maybe..
You are in the corporate world and feel exhausted at the thought of launching a new business on the side. Or maybe you have children and feel “the timing not right” so “I’ll wait it out”. Whatever your current reason, remember we live in an age of “quick and easy”.
        |Within minutes you could have a website up and a pay button added to your site through a Stripe account or PayPal.  (This, by no means, means that you’re completely legit as a business entity and there are till details to be ironed out but this is a start!)
        |Get selfish with your time and find hidden pockets in your day you can commit to growing that brilliant design studio.  Get off Netflix and wake up 2 hours earlier… BOOM! You’ve got a bonafide part-time gig going!

3 :: I Don't Know How To Build A Successful, Lucrative Business Plan

Your business plan should evolve and change over time. Entrepreneurs are always finding creative ways to improve and be malleable in order to find success. A formal business plan is time consuming. While it is important to have clear vision and growth strategies, laying out any and all ‘what ifs’ can be depressing!  
Is a business plan important? You bet your bottom! But if you’re using this as an excuse to not move forward, STOP! If you are looking for clarity and momentum, this ends up being the fun and exciting part my clients love and it can be done in as little as half a day. (CTA—call me).

4 :: I Wasn't Trained At The Best School So I Can't Start A Freelance Design Biz

I don't have enough credibility to draw in high paying clients. I’ll be seen as a fraud. Clients only hire designers with years of experience. STOP! I want you to take a long deep breath right now….
You are the owner of your own design destiny! Don’t fall into the trap of feeling that you’d have to suffer INTO your new solo career. If you believe in what you do, you’re passionate, open, skillful in your art, respectful and professional you will be seen as an expert worthy of being hired.

I have to confess, I had these limiting beliefs about myself even when my career was taking off. As you grow, so will your client base. While it’s ok to have dreams of climbing to the top in one step. Stay grounded and focused on your current capabilities, do quality work and keep manifesting your design dreams.
You will be tempted to make excuses because you are a visionary taking exciting risks.  

Return to the feelings of positive possibility and your big ‘WHY’. You will be opening the doors to your new design business soon!


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

Mindful Design: Healing Spaces For A Nourished Life

Healing Spaces For A Nourished Life

Healing Spaces For A Nourished Life


Article by Jennifer Nesbit Holt
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #31

I spent years working with individuals of all walks of life in an intimate, healing capacity as a sound healer. I won’t say I was going through the motions but I will say the work was consistent and basic, yet, extremely profound.

From the very beginning stages of owning my businesses, I was adamant about my client’s experience unfolding before they entered the door of our beautiful bungalow. Maybe it’s my type A personality or possibly a deeper “knowing”, but to me, impression is everything and so was establishing a cultured community.

I always felt I was a bit of a loan ranger in my days of one-on-one healing because I considered everything from colors, temperature, mood and visual appeal rather than just the healing modality itself. The experience started with a keenly thought out website to special touches outside my studio space to the visceral experience one felt as they walked through the door. THEN a warmer, deeper healing could begin.

For risk of rocking the boat, these “collective” qualities are not easily found in holistic healing spaces or many business for that matter. Most business owners don't have the insatiable craving for good design, a background in fine arts and an established field of sound healing that bridges a gab between math, science and energy.

Truly, it was only when I surrendered to every aspect of myself that was I able to really see what experience people needed. From there, it took little to no time to discover I was on the right track. Why? Because EVERYONE who walked through the door of my studio told me they felt a shift and experienced such beauty on the inside and outside.

I obsessively HAD to make any and all connections of the pulse of life to ensure a powerful result in healing. I knew that the psychological detail to design was a first step in forming a solid relationship with my clients and the last step was creating the profound internal changes they were seeking plus a lasting memory.

Clients must trust you in order for your work together to be effective.

As a designer of of healing sound, spaces and life, emphasis on the “whole” person is crucial if you are looking to make a difference in your client’s lives. As a designer, I want to encourage you to go deeper and think past the visual aesthetics of creating a space and look to the senses through which we experience life.

Help your clients really investigate what makes them unique. What do they really want? Need? Even if you have clients who are hell bent on a particular design esthetic, they are still looking for a feeling. A connection. And it is your job to see that it happens. How can you make the psychology of interior design safely plunge to the soul level?

I’ve learned that through quietly creating a beautiful path into my healing space of business, I’ve created an “unexplained” draw for people to want to work with me. You, too, can do this and it’s starts by looking into your own soul. Who do you want to attract into your life? How do you want to feel?

If you are wavering in uncertainty your design message will be lost and you will attract confused (difficult) individuals into your realm. Without tapping into profound experiences and energetic shifts that have made lasting impressions in your own life, you will not be able to do this for others.

The time is now for your to unleash your unique business design voice so you can help your clients immerse in purpose and community to make their own authentic impact in the world.


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

4 Designer Myths That Keep You From Discovering Your Design Voice


Designer Myths That Keep You From Discovering Your Design Voice

Designer Myths That Keep You From Discovering Your Design Voice

Article by Jennifer Nesbit Holt
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #29

If you’ve sought out self-help tools to re-align with your creative process, or quietly tracked the success of other designers, you have firsthand experience of the power creative flow has to not only engage and ignite a following, but also to produce better bodies of work to support a life of freedom and creativity you desire.  There are many myths we tell ourselves as designers, not to mention a pile of mistakes.

Maybe you’ve even been one of those people who secretly feels you're not good enough because you didn't get your design education from the most elite school. You might even suffer from low self-esteem when it comes to thinking you can grow your design business to the next level. You know in your bones you are doing what you love (and your good at it) but you want in on the secrets of award winning designers.

So why does the idea of putting yourself first have you quaking in your boots?

Let me guess…

  • You don’t mind a little grunt work, but you don't know how to grow a successful design business in such a saturated market.
  • You love the idea of delivering high quality projects to more prestigious clients, but you bite your nails, second guessing if you're 'good enough'.
  • You’ve got foolproof concepts in mind and you're tired of playing small .

Ready to unlock Pandora's box to release the blocks holding you back from being seen and heard as a designer?

Busy designers (like you) don’t have a SECOND to waste on activities that aren’t directly linked to profit. If you’ve ever tried creating a regular self-care routine before, you know that sinking feeling of guilt that you 'should' be in your creative zone rockin' out projects through to completion. (Ugh! It’s the worst, isn’t it?)

In my experience, I’ve found that four major myths are to blame for designer doubt and not feeling like your good enough. I’m going to debunk those myths for you, and show you how to replace them with truly simple, effective practices that will not only reward all your hard work, but have you doing kart wheels in the grass with excitement.  

Myth #1: Creating is organic, easy and effortless.

Now this myth, for the most part, is not how we see ourselves as designers but how non-creatives view our process. Our work is always fun and our ideas flow abundantly. Sheesh!

Now there are some artists who do fall into this mindset but we call them amateurs (or egotistical ass-hats)! However, a word of caution...if you are seasoned in your career, you can slip back into this mindset when you start berating yourself for not being good enough. The more creative blocks pile up, the more you ask, “Why is this not easy anymore?” Boo hoo, boo hoo (been there).

Self-care must take priority and should be treated as a delicacy that you infuse into your day, EVERY day.

Specifically, my Creative Life Series includes holistic strategies designed for the hard working designer in mind.  It also includes actionable components that you can use while you work! This is SO not about studying the best graphic design books.

And when everything lines up perfectly, your business grabs hold of a healthy and effective productive machine that acts as the backbone of your growing design business and gives you the opportunity to grow and soar at will.

Myth # 2: Every project you create should be perfect.

I hear ya, sweet thing!  Designers are notorious for perfectionism because...well, it goes with the territory of getting a concept through to completion.  Also, depending upon your field of design, it might even have to do with the safety of others. 

But here is the thing....if you don't feed that nasty little critter called 'perfectionism', the flow of ideas comes easier and the stress starts to disappear.  Imagine for a moment that you design in a peaceful state and not a reactionary-took-some-no-dozz state?

How? How can you be gentle on yourself, how can you stop nit picking every idea apart?  I'll tell ya how... Just to name a few, some of the best sources of for self-care are things like yoga, mediation, sound healing (that's my fav), movement, etc...  I want to encourage you to find something this week that helps take you out of the series-must-do-it-right mode and into some peace and serenity. Yes! This does require action...but you've already proven that you’re willing to put in effort–you just need the reassurance of knowing that every bit of energy you put into yourself IS for your business and will come back to you tenfold.

What you CAN’T afford to do is waste time and energy in perpetual “figure it out” mode.

Myth #3 – Designers must struggle, must suffer and always put the client first to be truly successful.

When you put self-care first you are able to communicate effectively through your work as well as to your clients.  Concepts become fluid.  You can not longer operate on the notion that hard work means misery. When you focus on your own sanity, you will attract the right clients and projects to enjoy your life with confidence and gumption!

Hint:  You are a treasure trove of abundance and when you open the doors to more business abundance, you will know JUST what to do when things get shaky.  (Scroll down to grab my freebie and discover exactly what I do to recover my footing)

Myth #4 – “What if I fail to produce or get stuck? Will my career will fall apart?”

False, false false! Self-awareness and Self-care strategies are a must if you are looking to grow your design business.

And if you’re reading this post RIGHT NOW, then you’re in a unique position to catch wind of this new strategic approach before anyone else in your niche does, and in doing so, claim your stake in the rich blue ocean of growing your business to the next level, and it's not about where you got your education.

So chances are that even if your competitors are already using these holistic strategies, you can gain a competitive advantage by being the FIRST to build a design business backed with full intention, creative flow and magnetic energy based on some of the proven techniques, and strategies that I’m about to share with you. Keep reading . . . now that you know the 4 designer's myths, I’ve created a DETAILED, free cheat sheet to help you with your first (or next!) step to finding your authentic design voice . . .

My wish for you is to sidestep the countless traps that make most designers burnout, and instead learn how to create a masterpiece called your own design biz.

It’s a Sign is a compilation of self-improvement articles written by entrepreneurs seeking to bring holistic solutions to everyday problems. Read more articles from this feature.

Jennifer Nesbit Holt, CEO/Founder of Flow Creative Design, is an expert in instilling masterful evolution in professional designers seeking to let go of perfectionism, stop stalking influential designers to unleash your design voice. 

Stop Resisting and learn how To Become an Award Winning Designer. Grab her new freebie "Mistakes Every Designer Makes" (when they desire to be an industry mover and shaker).


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

The Secret Wisdom of a Flow Creative

The Secret Wisdom of a Flow Creative

The Secret Wisdom of a Flow Creative


Article by Jennifer Nesbit Holt
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #28

The words 'collective consciousness' come to mind when I think about the definition of a Flow Creative. But not in the way you think. A true artist embodies the ability to observe the world and collect a lifetime of data to skillfully see the relations and inner workings of life itself. As creativity pushes you further and further out of the confines of social rules and acceptance, you gain a balanced wisdom and inner knowingness.

Creativity might require a new way of looking at things but don't let times of challenge fool you. You are still a mighty source of creative flow and a true visionary.

So what is a Flow Creative?  

A Flow Creative is someone who wisely accepts an evolution of her life-cycles of creativity, as well as the dedication and persistence of the process itself. Revision, repetition and iteration (Returning time and time again to the creative process to birth a final truth).

Being a Flow Creative means that you create for your message, for your mission.

...and it means being able to find the flow in every second with an endless supply of insatiable curiosity to create.

It's creating pieces of art that has immeasurable and infinite value and energy.

It's being unforgettable when you confidently show up to the world, creating in a way that transforms you and those around you from the inside, out.

Embarking on a quest for artistic freedom is not without sacrifice, but it is in those impermanent, fleeting times your process is preserved and captured taking an, otherwise, intangible idea into a collective reality. More and more wisdom is gained and the bridge between life and art is built. As hard as it is to digest, disturbance is essential to your process. Transformation cannot be planned, yet an acceptance of a breakdown of ideas (and maybe even your psyche) is crucial to producing. These are the times we feel blocked or broken and fearful of our existence as an artist. 

The secret is to ride out the feelings and not abandon the work. Although potentially shattered, remember to continue the simple interplay of your materials, your space and your inner artist. Disequilibrium is just as cyclical as equilibrium, look deeper to discover the courage to continue.

Healing power resides in your art. Your creativity is the source of a therapeutic imagination for the creator, as well as the recipient. You are a Flow Creative!


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

Conscious Creativity: The Secret To Your Creative Edge

The Secret To Your Creative Edge

The Secret To Your Creative Edge


Article by Jennifer Nesbit Holt
Photo Credit: Nancy Schoenmakers
Magazine: Issue #27

Pause, Breathe, Create (repeat).

Raise your hand if you want to stay connected to your art and creativity for the long haul. No more artistic doubt creeping in, no more paralyzing fear that someone won't 'like' your work!

And how 'bout learning to love your creative blocks and fearlessly creating instead of clawing your way to the top?!

Keeping a creative edge in such a competitive, creative realm is a struggle, if you allow it to take you off track in your artistic trade. Today, everyone is seen. Everyone is noticed and creative theft is at an all time high.

But that doesn't mean you stop listening to that burning intuition that says, “you are meant to do this work!” It doesn't mean you stop taking risks.  

Don't let insecurities derail your career as a creative.

Get Self-Conscious
Key word: CONSCIOUS. Stop comparing yourself to everyone else and surrendering your creative power over your own life! Trust your ability to create YOUR WAY.


The art of living mindfully means learning to pause and breathe to realign yourself with what IS; not what 'could be', or what 'was'. When you place energy outside of the tangible moment there can be no hope for conscious creativity.  

Open up space in your world by using the intelligence of a long, deep breath rather than being smothered by a restrictive existence to return to your creative edge.

Take nothing personally
Handle criticism with grace and dignity. You can do anything in this world without someone criticizing you. When receiving criticism..



Take a moment to reflect and ask if your commenter has a valid point.  

Regardless if the criticism is right or wrong, gain your composure, slip into easeful breath and disarm them with positive acceptance and gratitude for their view, no matter rude or kind.  

You can accept it or you can fight it..which do you think is better for your creative process and life-span?

Choose Happiness
Make a list of 10 things that light you up and do them more often. Learn to love yourself and your beautiful contributions to the world. Fully embrace that anything is possible when we are in a sacred, positive place. Just being YOU is enough.  

Be Amazing, Do Amazing 
Seek truth, be honest and contribute to the world with authenticity. Create the world you desire with your conscious mindset and gifts. Do something amazing by taking an approach no one has considered and fearlessly move full steam (against) the grain.   

Pause, Breathe, Create (repeat). Digest the words your have just read and know that maintaining a creative edge is a choice you have in each and every moment of the day. Conscious creativity is about accepting your unique talents, embracing criticism and change. Open your perception.

Filmmaker David Lynch says in his book Catching the Big Fish:  Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity

Ideas are like fish. If you want to catch little fish, you can stay in the shallow water. But if you want to catch the big fish, you've got to go deeper. Deep down the fish are more powerful and more pure. They're huge and abstract. And they're very beautiful.

Now go make some beautiful waves!


For The Overachieving Professional Artist & Creative. Ready to reclaim your artistic confidence and creativity!? Stop critiquing and editing yourself. Push past the creative blocks standing in your way and redefine your artistic reality.

Stop Resisting + Maximize Your Creativity To Rediscover Your Creative Edge With This FREE Effective Golden Tool Of Transformation! Ask Me How to Grab your FREE Overcome Creative Blocks Kit here.


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

Mastering Mindfulness: Unleash Your Creativity


Mastering Mindfulness:  Unleash Your Creativity

Mastering Mindfulness:  Unleash Your Creativity

Article by Jennifer Nesbit Holt
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #26

It's true...When you become more aware of the internal and external world around you, creative flow in your artistic trade and life are limitless. Living ON purpose and with intention exponentially expands your awareness so you can move into a more curious space between the rules of life.
Mastering mindfulness is simply the art of being present.  With the fast-paced existence of the modern world many feel like this is unattainable, but in actuality it is a chronic thinker's best friend.  Mindfulness opens the door to consciousness and heightens your thoughts and feeling by trained observation (and it's not that hard).

90 Seconds To A More Mindful YOU
To see the truth of 'what is' and get out of your thinking brain takes a shift in your approach to any given situation.  One suggestion to step into the space of awareness is to check in with your breath.  Are you breathing deep enough?  This seems like a no-brainer, yet most of us don't take the time to focus on our breath.  A free tool of cleaning out mental cob webs holding back your creativity resides in a deep 4-6 count inhale and even longer count exhale. This technique can take less than two minutes.  As a creative person, your ideas and work require space to breath and new ideas to flow.

Roar of Silence-  Sensory Awareness
Most of the time creative blocks form because you're caught in a vicious cycle of fear, negative thoughts and bad habits.  You think you know truth when your imagination runs wild, but most of the time you are fueling your anxiety and stress with perceived truths about others and the world around you. A simple technique to bring you out of this mindset is to discover more awareness by observing the sounds around you, smells of the environment, taste of the air, feeling or sensations of touching a surface in your space, and what you see in the moment. Find your phone and set a timer for one minute. Spend this brief time birthing a new perspective.

Take a new direction, Become More Creative
You cannot grow or create if you are unwilling to expand. Make new associations by pushing yourself to learn how to experience the world. You can literally form new synaptic connections in the brain by introducing yourself to new ideas, people, culture, food, and places. If you are stuck in your work, try taking a self-care/exploration day. Taking time to care for yourself, inside and out, exploring nature and travel are 3 excellent ways to overcome your creative blocks.

Slow down, cowgirl, and tune into your intuition! When time takes a long pause you can gather the most valuable lessons and appreciation for your beautiful world. Clearly being able to hear your voice of intuition and higher-self sets you up for living in pure alignment with your soul's purpose and your creativity can then flourish.

Mindfulness is not about being still, it is about noticing, without judgement, what is happening in the moment. Mastering mindfulness is as easy as stepping outside of your comfort zone to experience life, and in turn, unleashing your creativity.


For The Overachieving Professional Artist & Creative. Ready to reclaim your artistic confidence and creativity!? Stop critiquing and editing yourself. Push past the creative blocks standing in your way and redefine your artistic reality.

Stop Resisting + Maximize Your Creativity To Rediscover Your Creative Edge With This FREE Effective Golden Tool Of Transformation! Grab your FREE Overcome Creative Blocks Kit here.


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

Elevate Your Workspace With Flowers

Elevate Your Workspace

Elevate Your Workspace


Article by Jennifer Nesbit Holt
Photo Credit: Angel Quintana
Magazine: Issue #23

As the blanket of winter fades, hope rings forth when the first blooms of spring emerge.  For me, there is a symbolism of warmth, beauty, and possibility born out of the colors and hues of nature. Plants and flowers evoke memories, moods or feelings. These botanical beauties are born of their own sacred region, ancestral family and species.  We are attracted to their fragile, uncompromising nature and unique vibrational healing properties.

Flowers have wisdom :: the power to change your vibration at a petals glance. Flowers have a language :: a story to tell through color and aroma.

You are interconnected with a mystical pulse of life.  By incorporating flowers or the essence of plants and flowers into your workspace you tap into a higher frequency leading to a prosperous flow of abundance.

"How can incorporating flowers into my workspace make me abundant?" When you offer flowers to the alter of your workspace you are offering a higher gift-- enhanced clarity + brilliance.

1| Elevate Your Business with Color Therapy

Color enriches your life. By creating a pleasant view you are immediately enhancing productivity and memory with natural color therapy.  Flowers are a quick way to inject mood into the space.  Next time you want to close that big deal, ask yourself what colors invigorate you, get you excited and think about treating yourself to a bouquet.

2| Elevate Your Business with Aromatic Wisdom

Feeling unmotivated or sleepy?  Tense or anxious?  Do you lack creativity?  Plants, specifically aromatic plants and their essences, have been used for thousands of years and are still considered an important source of medicine.  A quick and easy way to elevate the energy of your work environment is by diffusing or wearing essential oils.

3| Elevate Your Business with Healthy Symbolism

Flowers also offer immediate relief from stressful situations.  Behavioral studies have proven that flowers provide a simple way to improve emotional health – the presence of flowers triggers happy emotions, heightens feelings of life satisfaction and affects social behavior in a positive manner far beyond what is normally believed.  Trust your intuition and treat yourself to a new workspace filled with positive associations and rich symbolism.

Fill your workspace with color therapy + aromatherapy to find expansiveness, innovation, and ideas to grow and prosper.


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.