3| Get grounded. See #2. That way, when you’re out in the world with the other humans you’re as steady and prepared as possible. It’s like tennis. If you hold your weight evenly, got your eye on the ball, you’re ready for that 70 mph ball coming at you.
4| Quietly. Loudly. Actively. Passively. Doesn’t matter whether you’re tough as Steve McQueen or meek as Bo Peep, energetically we ALL add something to the mix. Appreciate it, in yourself and others.
5| That inner compass is a good guide but it shows different directions at different times. So once a Girl Scout, not always a Girl Scout, but there might be an energetic element that carries from troop to sorority to family. The continuum is YOU, the compass there to point you to things that make your core YOU most fulfilled.
6| Embrace Earth and its citizens, warts and all. Remember, your interaction with them is why you’re here. You do the best with what you’ve been given, so do others. Sometimes we’re not our best; these are some of the warts, sadly. Compassion comes in handy.
We ARE by association not isolation. Why we’re here doesn’t matter so much as how we interact while we are. Embrace it. Then you shine, matter and leave something wonderful behind… your light.
“Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light.” Theodore Roethke