Article by Ellie Isacs
Photo Credit: Fabiola Zamora
Magazine: Issue #24
Damn right, you did it! You are officially self-employed, entrepreneur, your brand is top notch and you are diving into the marketing roaring ocean of possibilities. You are the next best thing……..stop, re-wind, are you actually successful, loving it and thriving?
Starting and running a business is a journey of learning, growing and excelling. But have you stopped for a second to examine your relationship with your business? Is it fulfilling, easy and flowing? Or is it a struggle, a worry and most important becoming an avalanche of pain?
The way your business is treating you is the exact mirror image of how you are treating yourself. If you are living with low self-esteem, nagging negativity and flat out bashing yourself daily, then the chances are this is how you are treating your business and how it is treating you back.
Examine the relationship you have with your SELF.
Define your terms – This might sound easy and no brainer but so many fail here. Learning and growing from your mentors is invaluable, but it gotta work for you. Define the terms– who are you hanging out with, are you pleasing people at all cost, are you spending time on yourself, are making your body, mind and spirit a priority? Define what is important to you and make sure you do it. Know yourself, dare yourself and love yourself……….rinse and repeat. Establishing daily practices of self-love and appreciation will allow you to define the terms on which you live life and do business
Decline their demands – Over-achieving can work for you, as long as it is not directed at pleasing others. Whoever they might be! Whenever you feel you are living someone else’s script, stop and rewrite it. You are worth the effort to decline outside demands, when they do not resonate with your true personality and soul. It is tough love but one needed for you to thrive. When you live in your truth, your business will reflect the respect, appreciation and care you grant to the most important person – you.