Article by John Scardina
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #31
As entrepreneurs we sell our brand, our business and ourselves in order to solve a problem. How we project our business and ourselves to our customers today is of the upmost importance. How our customers or clients perceive us personally and as entrepreneurs is what can make or break us. The difference between success and potential failure.
The most important thing to remember that is we have so many tools available to us.
The days of owning a brick and mortar business, and just running an ad to bring business to us has been over long ago. But we all know that, we have every app, social media and so many other avenues to bring customers and clients to us and we need to project our brand equally through each resource.
I have seen many entrepreneurs project larger than life on the internet and social media only to work closely with a client and not be prepared to provide product or services as stated in this larger than life projection. If we project magic products or project that we are experts in any particular field, then we need back up these events. A customer or client will see right through it, if you are not what you say you are. We need to be real and prepared with every client every time, so the importance of being exactly who you are is important.
Since social media is a huge must have for business owners, we need to be cautious upon how we are perceived to each and every customer or client. I have noticed totally by accident that we all have three personalities when reaching out from behind a computer.
Three personality traits:
Our social media personality.
Our actual personality.
Our perception of our personality.
When we project our brand or image on social media we can sometimes create an image that is much bigger than we actually are. It is so easy while tapping away at your laptop to enhance our product or talents. This is easy due to the fact that we as humans have been desensitized to the event of simple everyday contact, eye to eye contact. The event of being and the energy felt from this type of contact is not always transferable through electronic means.
Those who know us well most likely know our actual personality better than ourselves. They will experience the energy of your personality on a daily basis and can be a great resource in assisting you in informing you on social media events prior to releasing them.
Most people with have a perception of who they are, we live this every day! But when trying to exist in business this perception needs to be real and in close alignment with the other two personalities. When this alignment of all three personalities closely match one another you are projecting your culture properly. We need to be real in all platforms in order to succeed, be conscious of your projection to the world.