No matter what we say in daily efforts, we all like to be understood completely and touched compassionately and these are two things we provide as practitioners. This does not happen because of the need to be successful and make money, this occurs because of our energy and how the universe created us.
We have been who we are from birth, we have just tuned in and accepted the power we possess at some point during our journey. We do possess the knowledge and the ability of touch.
How often have you looked upon a memory of a massage, a Reiki session, reflexology, or even chiropractic treatment and said “Oh yes, that felt great!”
This is simply because we need to be touched!
I know we all have our moments and the need of personal space, but it is a primal need in all of us to want this in a healing personal way. It offers us a connection to all energies and arts that promote wellness and healing.
So being who we are as business owners in this field we need to know about what touch can do for our clients. So, go out there and touch someone, even if it is only just to hold their hand in a loving way! Your touch can be physical, emotional, or spiritual, but know your touch will make a difference in someone’s life!