Article by Heather Jadus
Photo Credit: Fabiola Zamora
Magazine: Issue #24
How many products do you put on your skin or hair in a day? Take a minute and count them.....
1. Toothpaste
2. Shampoo
3. Conditioner
4. Hair Product(s)
5. Hair Spray
6. Perfume
7. Face Wash
8. Body Wash
9. Soap
10. Deodorant
11. Toner
12. Moisturizer
13. Eye Cream
14. Wrinkle Cream
15. Foundation
16. Bronzer
17. Blush
18. Eye Shadow
19. Eye Liner
20. Eye Brow Pencil
21. Mascara
22. Body Lotion
23. Hair Color
24. Lip Stick
25. Lip Gloss
26. Hand Soap
27. Dish Soap
28. Others ?????
This list could be endless depending on the individual lifestyle you live.
But think about this: Even if you only use 10 of these items listed but you use them once or twice a day, every day, week after week, month after month, decade after decade... don't you want to be sure that the ingredients in your products are safe for your body?
There could be only a minuscule amount of "toxins" in each of the 10 products you use but let's crunch T H E S E numbers:
- 12 = the average number of products a woman puts on her skin every day.
- 10,000 = the number of common ingredients used in those personal products.
- 10 = the % of those 10,000 ingredients that have been tested for safety.
- 1500 = the number of chemicals banned in the EU.
- 11 = the number of chemicals banned in the US.
- 1938 = the last year a federal law was passed in the US regulating cosmetics ingredients.
D O Y O U T H I N K I T S T I M E T O T A K E N O T I C E ?
So, why is this a problem? What are the possible hazards?
Problem # 1 - Carcinogens. Known and suspected carcinogens are allowed in our personal products with no questions asked and no testing done. Carcinogenic chemicals can cause or promote cancer. Cancer is caused by the changes in DNA. Some of these changes can be caused by genetics and the rest are caused by environmental chemicals in our air, personal products and cleaning products. Some of this we can control. Some of this we can't. This is why EVERY CHOICE COUNTS for those things you can control.