Everything in life needs balance. The yin and the yang. The sun and the moon. The masculine and the feminine. Balance is hard but necessary. As women especially, it seems to be challenging to succumb to the world of hustle and building a business but also retaining the divinity of the feminine.
In a world where we are constantly doing, giving and building for the future, we have to remember that stillness, receiving and simply being are just as necessary for evolving and living a beautiful, fulfilling life.
Here are four ways to cultivate femininity and bring balance to your day.
1. Receiving a massage:
As a Massage Practitioner, I have found that the mind-body-soul connection is so strong. Not only is massage great for your body and can not only relax and heal the muscles, but it can help move energy where it needs to go for ultimate healing. The act of receiving is also very feminine and seems to lack in a lot of women I talked to. We seem to give, give, give and forget to nourish ourselves. Get back to that. Schedule some you time.
2. Get in the water:
The water is a very feminine element. Going for a swim can be so transformative and rejuvenating. Water is known to cleanse the body, but it cleanses deep within to the cellular level. Make an offering and a prayer to mama Gaia and the water and step on in. See what the water delivers to you in return. Stick to natural springs, lakes ad oceans and less on chlorinated water.