Do you think about spending well needed time focusing on yourself, looking for ways to raise your vibration and to add flow to your life. Breath work, meditation, yoga and diet are essential when working towards your holistic happiness; however, make sure you remember to also care for your built environment. Your home is one of the keys towards a supportive and harmonious life. Feng shui is the art of arranging buildings, objects and space to achieve harmony and balance in life. This is why feng shui is such an important and beneficial tool.
In feng shui, your front door is referred to as the “mouth of chi.” It is the main portal for people, energy and opportunities to enter your home. When guests arrive at your home you want them to feel welcomed and invited, the same is true for opportunity and positive energy.
Here are 5 ways to invite positive energy and opportunities into your life by caring for your front door and entryway with feng shui:
1. Make Sure Your Front Door Is Easy to Find
Is your house number visible from the street? If a visitor has a hard time finding your home, so will opportunities! Make sure there is nothing blocking your house number or walkway to the front door. Keep landscaping neat and tidy and trimmed appropriately.
2. Create an Inviting Space
Your front door is the first thing visitors see when they arrive at your home so set the tone for an inviting space. Have good curb appeal and keep your front door clean or freshly painted. Sweep away any stale energy and make sure it is clear of cobwebs. Healthy green plants can brighten your entryway and lighting can ensure comfort at night.