Connecting with the Divine: The Basics of The Archangels and Ascended Masters


Article by Jennifer Lancaster


Connecting with the Divine: The Basics of The Archangels and Ascended Masters

Our Divine Team

So often in life we feel like we have to do everything ourselves. We feel like we have to solve all of our problems by ourselves, figure things out by ourselves, and work really hard to overcome challenges. This was considered all very noble at one time and it was also the way of thinking adopted in the 3D paradigm that many of us grew up with and saw modeled to us.

However the truth has always been that we have an actual Divine Team. We have Source/The Universe/God/Our Creator/Goddess as well as supporting energies helping us with anything that we need guidance for if we ask and build a relationship with them. These divine supporting energies are the archangels and ascended masters. 

Angels are of the purest vibration. Archangels are angels of a high rank. The angelic world has different ranks of angels responsible for different things. There's the cherubim, the seraphim, and the elohim. The archangels are beings that are spiritual, pure, and perfect, created by our creator for the purpose of serving and being messengers.    

Ascended Masters are great healers, leaders, or prophets who were previously here on Earth and are now in the spirit world assisting us from the other realms. They are here to guide us and help us on our journey towards the light. They include an array of teachers known for their powerful light messages such as  Jesus, Buddha, Vishnu, saints, goddesses, deities, and so forth.   

The ascended masters are of the highest vibration and the archangels are of the purest vibration. When you have the purest and highest working together you have an optimal frequency to help to guide you in everything that you do. They always have time for you. They can be everywhere at once because they are multidimensional beings. 


Working with Archangels and Ascended Masters

When working with the archangels and ascended masters we always want to go to Source first and ask that we call in the energies of the highest and lightest vibrations. This protects us from evil and from dark energies masking themselves as light beings that might not hold our highest and best interest. This is not something to be afraid of but rather aware of.

As one starts to build a relationship with these beings and light energies they will find that they have certain ones that act as spirit guides. For instance I feel deeply connected to Archangel Raphel and St Francis as two of my guides. As you learn about them you will find which ones you feel closely connected to or drawn to that you can lean on everyday for support.  

The archangels and ascended masters have different things that they are known for and can help you with. Think of it as you do about your circle of friends. All of your friends have different things that they are great at. You may have one friend that's really a great writer. You may consult with this friend when you are about to start a writing project. You may have another friend who is incredible at listening. You may connect with that friend when you need to be heard. The same is true with the archangels and ascended masters and you can consult with them at any time. Imagine having a deeper relationship with this kind of energy and knowing exactly who you could call in before certain projects for aid. This is your spiritual team and it's there for you any time of day or night. All you have to do is know and ask.  

Archangels and ascended masters don’t take the role of our creator. They are to be valued but not worshiped necessarily. They are the supporting team rather than the spiritual CEO. They are more like assistants to the creator.   

The cool thing about these beings of light is that they act like spiritual companions in your life. They partner with you to co-create more loving energy in your projects, conversations, and activities in general. Knowing them and building relationships with them can help you to feel more supported, secure, and safe in the world. 

So many people stay trapped behind their computers in isolation each day and feel alone, unaware of the presence of their Divine support team. These are loving energies to help you take inspired action and move away from these looping traps. Archangels and ascended masters are loving beings who want to collaborate with us so that we don’t feel like we have to do everything alone. They help us to move through challenges with much more ease and grace and care. This way we are constantly reminded that we don’t have to go through life alone ever.   

We are always Divinely supported.  How would leaning into this support create more possibility in your life?


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


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