When you were a kid, did you have to have to get angry/upset or hurt before you get what you wanted?
This is common habit and belief for kids. To GET what we WANT, we have to get angry. This is one BIG limiting belief. That keeps us separated from our joy, happiness, money and fulfillment. Today I will help you get this belief/habit out of hiding and out of your way.
I am going to be a bit vulnerable here and share a deep piece of my heart. If you don’t know me, I work with survivors of abuse to reclaim their power, own their stories and move from surviving to thriving by creating profitable and world-changing programs, events, and books. For the past 20 years.
I have a BIG desire to see people claim their worth and share their gifts. I had this limiting belief that I had to get angry to get what I wanted. So, the more joyful, calm, happy and aware I have become the less angry I have been and the more this childhood belief has kept me from my BIG dreams. I had a deep seeded belief that was so deeply sealed in my subconscious mind I did not even know it was running my life.
Here is what it sounds like
- You have to fight for what you want.
- You have to get angry before you can have what you want.
- You only get what you want (after a fight)
Here is how this played out as a child for me. I got lots of negative attention, spankings, etc… and this was love. SO guess what happened before I got this negative attention, a fight.
I was also taught, as have many of my private clients, that you have to dig deep and fight for what you want; nothing comes easy. One blessing of my family growing up was our horses and workout schedule, we ran as a family and raised horses as a family. What I learned is that you always get back on the horse, no matter what and win the fight. I also learned that when running you DON’T give up when it get’s hard you dig deep and fight your way through the “pain.” = Don’t be a sissy.
I also saw my parents fight and then reconnect. I also experienced this pattern fight and then connect. I did this in my previous marriage as well, fight and then make up and get what you want.
Uggg WHAT A CRAP WAY TO LIVE. WHY, are so many of us FIGHTING for our dreams?
Because we have a belief with ourselves that LOVE, ABUNDANCE, JOY, HAPPINESS, CONNECTION only comes with a fight. THIS IS not how life is. Your destiny, your truth your abundance comes with ease and peace, in alignment with what you believe.
To allow your BIG dreams to come to you with more ease, start by ending the fight within yourself, and reprogram your beliefs by recognizing all the ways you receive love, money, support and pleasure easily. This new perspective WILL help you both get what you desire and NOT have to put up a fight for it.