Article by Antiqua Lisha
Photo Credit: The Luxe Travelista
Magazine: Issue #26
This past week, I was thinking about this article and then a friend I met at the social Facebooked me with this question, and I thought if they are feeling this question bubbling within them, then I bet a lot of us wonder how to stay positive, after we have been hurt.
The question: How do you stay so positive?
How does one change their focus in life when they feel like the odds are stacked against them?
The problem: When they feel like they would just be better being alone then with other people because they are afraid of being hurt by people like they have in the past so many times.
My answer for them and you:
This is challenging, I know, and what I do goes against the norm when it comes to HOW I stay positive even through life and people have hurt me in the past.
Honestly, I like many of you stayed on this marry-go-round for years looking outside myself at the situations, people and patterns that kept me (like my clients) thinking I was less than or in need of change.
Do you know that we are all showing up for one another like mirrors? We hear what we believe and attract who we are. That is not so easy to swallow, but it is powerful to digest.
To stay positive and change your focus, start by asking yourself powerful questions: What about the people in the past hurt you? Then turn this question around and ask yourself where are you holding a false belief about YOU being that way. Every negative situation has an equal positive it's the law of polarity.
Once you discover the gem in the patterns, people tend to totally disappear and new people show up – and you can put these 3 steps to defining yourself into action with ease:
1| Decide who you want to be. (Do you agree with what your past showed you, or now that you see it do you want to reinvent a new way of being.)
2| Discover new ways of being. We don’t know what we don’t know. If you want to be happy, then discover WHAT makes you happy and put these habits into action.
3| Listen to or hire someone to help me reprogram my belief systems and new situations.