Have you ever walked into someone’s house and thought, “wow, I could live here”? You felt completely comfortable and relaxed. What made you feel that way? The colors? The energetic vibe? The décor? The cozy “lived-in” feeling? Now think of your own home. Does it conjure up similar feelings? No? Well, here’s probably the reason why.
Your home acts like a 3-D, 24/7 Vision Board to your subconscious mind.
Not only does it reinforce what you are creating/attracting/keeping in your life, but it is also revealing to you what’s been programmed into your subconscious. Before you furl your brow and think I’m nuts, let me explain.
When you look at things repeatedly, they get embedded into your subconscious so that you really don’t “see” them anymore. Kind of like driving the same route each day to work where you can almost get there blindfolded. Everything in your home gets registered into your subconscious mind along with whatever feeling is associated with it. If something is not for your highest good or in alignment with who you really are, it will create an on going gnawing inside that you just can’t shoo away.
Imagine this. You have an old worn sofa that was given to you by your parents when they got a new one. Every time you look at the worn couch with the ripped edges and stains on the cushions, the thought it may conjure up is “I cannot afford a new one and it embarrasses me.” That is a low vibrational feeling that is re-affirming to your subconscious that you cannot afford a new couch and are therefore in lack. Now let’s imagine another scenario where you save some money and find a used but gorgeous couch that makes you feel wealthy. Every time you look at or sit on it, you will feel abundant.