Your Home is a 3D 24/7 Vision Board: How to Align it with Your Dream Life


Article by Laura Gevanter

Your Home is a 3D 24/7 Vision Board: How to Align it with Your Dream Life

Your Home is a 3D 24/7 Vision Board: How to Align it with Your Dream Life

Have you ever walked into someone’s house and thought, “wow, I could live here”? You felt completely comfortable and relaxed. What made you feel that way? The colors? The energetic vibe? The décor? The cozy “lived-in” feeling? Now think of your own home. Does it conjure up similar feelings? No? Well, here’s probably the reason why.

Your home acts like a 3-D, 24/7 Vision Board to your subconscious mind.

Not only does it reinforce what you are creating/attracting/keeping in your life, but it is also revealing to you what’s been programmed into your subconscious. Before you furl your brow and think I’m nuts, let me explain.

When you look at things repeatedly, they get embedded into your subconscious so that you really don’t “see” them anymore. Kind of like driving the same route each day to work where you can almost get there blindfolded. Everything in your home gets registered into your subconscious mind along with whatever feeling is associated with it. If something is not for your highest good or in alignment with who you really are, it will create an on going gnawing inside that you just can’t shoo away.

Imagine this. You have an old worn sofa that was given to you by your parents when they got a new one. Every time you look at the worn couch with the ripped edges and stains on the cushions, the thought it may conjure up is “I cannot afford a new one and it embarrasses me.” That is a low vibrational feeling that is re-affirming to your subconscious that you cannot afford a new couch and are therefore in lack. Now let’s imagine another scenario where you save some money and find a used but gorgeous couch that makes you feel wealthy. Every time you look at or sit on it, you will feel abundant.


Using Your Home to Intentionally Create a 3-D 24/7 Vision Board

  1. Walk through your home and ask, “what can I learn about this person from their home”? Is this a person who likes comfort over perfection?  Someone who makes cooking a priority or does the kitchen barely looked used? Is this a person who pays attention to their mental and physical health and has created a restorative home sanctuary or just seems to use their home to store their stuff, sleep and shower? Walk through all the rooms and write down what you notice that someone could surmise about you. Then ask yourself if this is a true representation of who you are and what you really want. This will give you some good insight into how aligned you are with what your home is reinforcing. 

  2. Take a “reading” on the energy your home is emitting. Does it feel nurturing and supportive or chaotic and scattered? This not only will affect your mental state of how you perceive your home, but also will affect what you can attract into the space. Make any necessary changes to create the most ideal environment such as adding high vibrational things like plants/flowers, beautiful artwork, peaceful lighting, comfortable and inviting furniture, removing clutter and unwanted items or those without a positive association. You can also look into some other energy enhancing practices such as Feng Shui (the intentional placement of furniture and items for maximum positive energy flow), essential oil diffusers, crystals, incense and salt lamps.

  3. Survey your place for things that are broken, projects that are incomplete, old and tattered items, or are just unpleasing to your eye. They drain your energy by constantly telling your subconscious “this needs attention” and may act as obstacles to allowing new into your life. So, fix it or dump it.

  4. If there is a certain area of your life that is not working well for you, take a look at your home environment for clues as to what might be contributing to this. For example, if you are having difficulty manifesting a relationship, take a look around your home (especially your bedroom) and ask yourself some brutally honest questions: Does my bedroom look welcoming to a new lover? Does it reflect someone who pays attention to details that you wouldn’t mind a mate seeing or knowing about you such as, a messy and overstuffed closet, sheets that are old, an unmade bed or clothes on the floor? Is your night table cluttered with nail clippers or other grooming items, etc. Now imagine the most romantic scenario and see what shifts you can make to create an inviting space. New candles, new sheets, new nightgown, etc. When you put deliberate attention on an area of your life, you raise the vibration and shift the energy.

  5. To utilize this “vision board” scenario to the max, make sure everything you keep is intentional and remains for a reason (functional, beautifies or conjures joyful emotions/memories). If none of these things apply, get rid of it. Be ruthless. Even things that are functional may need to go or at least be replaced if they are not attractive to you or don’t perform at the desired level.  You can then intentionally add items, which support what it is you are trying to manifest. Love, money, job, health, new home, etc.  Adding a few small representations of things that make you feel you already have what you want is extremely powerful such as an item that represents wealth, welcoming in a new relationship etc.

When you have awareness that your subconscious mind is your life’s memory bank for all you have experienced and believe you have a key to unlocking obstacles that may be preventing you from having what you desire. By intentionally presenting new images and items, which reinforce your desired outcome, you are actually training your subconscious to “believe” this is your current reality since it cannot distinguish between something real and something imagined. So have some fun and create your home as the most powerful vision board ever!


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.
