Embrace Being an Empath: 4 Ways to Start Trusting Your Intuition


Article by Tricia Dycka

Embrace Being an Empath: 4 Ways to Start Trusting Your Intuition

Embrace Being an Empath: 4 Ways to Start Trusting Your Intuition

It took me a long time to trust my intuition. Growing up I would be told to stop being too sensitive.  Anything I FELT or KNEW intuitively I would share with my family, teachers, or friends and would be told to “stop it” or “you don’t know what you are talking about, or give that person a chance you cannot possibly know anything about them or that just isn’t true”

Over and over these words became embedded in my head and my belief became do not trust my intuition.

I had a disconnect between my brain and my heart.  I was trusting my logical brain and completely ignoring my intuition. 

How many times I have ignored my intuition and boy oh boy did it bite me in the backside.

I hung out with people who were not good for me. I said yes to situations that totally drained me. I ignored my heart in my business and went into programs, joint ventures, and collaborations that were not right for me. I have taken on the clients that my logical brain said yes do this and the whispering of my heart said hell no and RUN. When I started digging deep around this, I saw old beliefs running the show.

The belief was not to trust my intuition it was always wrong.

Shift your beliefs. These are some of mine. Take these and put them in your own words.

I am always supported and I trust myself.
My intuition is always spot on.
I am always connected to my inner guidance.
I am paying attention to my body.
I am listening to my intuition.
My intuition always shows me the way.
I am confident in my connection with my intuition.
I believe that I hear the whispers of my heart showing me the way.
I follow my intuition with ease.

Listen to your body.

The first thing I did was start to ask myself questions that I knew the answer to.  I was teaching myself how my body felt when I was on the right track.

Ask yourself what is my name and FEEL in your body when you give the correct answer. I noticed a lightness and I feel energy just flowing in my body. 

Now ask yourself what is your name and give an incorrect answer. How does your body feel? My body would feel like my shoulders were coming in and my energy was very constrictive. Plus, I would get knots in my stomach.

Bring awareness to your body and see how it is reacting. Do you feel knots or resistance anywhere? What is it trying to tell you?


Do not judge yourself if you do ignore your intuition when you are first learning.

Think of your intuition as a muscle. You need to build up your confidence.

When I first started learning to trust my intuition, I would still debate it. One morning I was driving to an appointment and as I was at a red light, I had my left blinker on and heard the word RIGHT.  Instead, I used my logical brain because making the left would take me to the highway and I would get to my destination sooner. I didn’t listen to my intuition nudging me to make a right and ended up in bumper-to-bumper traffic and was 20 minutes late. This is where laughing at yourself comes in handy instead of beating yourself up.  It was an experience and it showed me another way I can connect with my intuition. I would hear words.

Use a pendulum to get a yes or no answer.

Sometimes, we get so caught up in something we do not see the forest from the trees and we want the answer to be YES so badly, that we tend to ignore what our hearts are saying. The logical mind is saying this is what you want to move forward. Your heart is whispering NO! I have had this happen so I will ground my energy and ask a pendulum a yes or no question.  

When your intuition whispers to you, follow through and do it. This builds your intuition muscle.

I had someone reach out to me asking to join them on a chat. It ended up being a FB live with several other people. There was a meditation to start the call and for some reason every time I would close my eyes, they would pop open. I felt knots forming in my stomach (intuition) and then I heard LEAVE (words in the form of my intuition). Within moments of joining, I left.

Did it make sense to me? No, I did know the energy made me uncomfortable and I am no longer willing to be anywhere or do anything that makes me feel uncomfortable.

If you are just starting out to trust yourself, start small. If someone asks you to do something you can say let me think about it and get back to you. This gives you time to sit with it and see what your intuition says.

If you meet someone and your intuition says move on, do it. Think back to the times where you would ignore yourself and see the end results. This allows you to see things differently now and know that moving on is in your best interests. Notice the sense of peace and calm when you are listening to your intuition.

Also, think back on those times that your intuition was correct and how it came to you. At this point it does not matter if you ignored it. Remember how you received it and how it felt.


Listen to your intuition it is your heart whispering to you. Your higher self-guiding you to the best way forward. A way for new opportunities and possibilities.


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at www.theoccultchateau.com


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.
