It’s no secret, a good night’s sleep is essential for one’s health and well being. But, with so many distractions, and technology at our fingertips, it can take some of us more time to wind down at night. Then waking up with so much to do, and without a good night’s sleep?!… It can be easy to get off track.
Creating a Morning and Night Routine can promote self love, regulate our adrenals, help us fall asleep faster, wake up in a high vibrational state of mind, and live our day to day lives with more ease and balance.
When we are in go mode during the day, it can be over stimulating and our brain will produce Beta Waves (the brainwave that is most active when we are awake). Going from Beta to Alpha Waves (meditative brain waves accessed when our body is more relaxed, the “Here and Now” state), requires us to go within to shut off outside noise, and distractions. Once in Alpha, it becomes easier to fall asleep and produce Theta Waves (the brainwave that lasts a short amount of time in our sleep state, this is where we can dream, access memories, and go into the subconscious).
Having a good Morning and Night Routine allows our body to be more relaxed during Alpha and Theta Waves, thus allowing us to drift easier into Delta Waves (our deepest state of sleep, where the body regenerates and is able to heal itself).
I’ve created a Morning and Night Routine for the Goddess in you. It will help quiet your mind and relax your body, help you fall asleep faster, and regulate your nervous system. It will help your mind produce more Alpha Waves regularly, allowing you to be more present to the Here and Now. Plus so many other benefits like; increased energy during the day, less mind chatter, more self awareness, deeper connection with your spiritual practice, regulate food cravings, improved mood, boost your chi, increase self love, etc!
The following can be modified to fit your schedule and shifted around in any order you like, there are no specific rules. You can adjust this routine in any way that feels in alignment with you.
Waking Up
Journal your dreams. As soon as you open your eyes, grab your dream journal and write what you can remember. This will allow you to get a better understanding of your emotions and become more aware of any messages the universe is trying to send to you.
Make your bed. Your bed carries the energy from when you’re sleeping. Making your bed re-sets the energy from the night before. Smudge your bed with sage, or herb of your choice to clear your space. It’s also very relaxing to look at when made. A clean space helps calm the mind.
Wash up. Your body is a temple, and when you’re sleeping your body releases bacteria. When washing up, imagine as if your body was a temple and you’re cleaning all the dirt you brought in from the day before. Follow up with your favorite skin routine.
Drink Water. Hydration is a must! Drinking a cup of water before breakfast helps kick start your metabolism and rehydrates all the fluids you’ve lost overnight. Water will replenish your organs, like your brain, for optimal function.
Go Outside. Sunshine prevents depression. Seasonal affective disorder is more likely to happen to people that stay indoors more often. Even on gloomy days make sure to go outside even for just a few minutes and soak in that sunshine, and don’t forget your sunscreen!
Meditate And Breath. Hundreds of studies have proven the effects of meditation and its benefits. Meditation and breathwork go hand in hand. Oxygen helps cellular function. Both help to put you in an expanded and positive state of mind. Meditate for a few minutes or as long as you need and set your intention for the day.
Exercise. Get moving! Get that hydrated and oxygenated blood into every part of your body. Connect with the earth or your yoga mat and feel the flow and rhythm of your body.
Going to Bed
Timing Sleep. Set your alarm the night before, plan on sleeping for at least 8 hours. For example: If you're going to be asleep by 10pm, set your alarm for 6am the following morning.
Put the Technology Away. Put your phone in another room, close enough where you can hear the alarm, far enough so it doesn't interfere with your routine. Turn the TV off, lights low, and put on some relaxing music.
Stop eating at night. Give your body time to digest your dinner. It takes about 12 hours to digest a meal. When your body is still working on digestion it will make falling asleep more difficult.
Yin Yoga. Calming the body helps calm the mind. When I practice yin yoga I feel very grounded and centered. I feel in my body and more relaxed. Practicing yin yoga can help release excess energy built up from the day.
Make a Goddess Bath. A goddess bath is a fabulous day to unwind. Grab some rose petals, your favorite oils, and dip into a warm bath. Let the water wash away all the energy you’re carrying from the day. Use Epsom Salt to help with muscle soreness.
Set an Alter and Meditate. Get some crystals, and your other meditation tools like incense and mini goddess statues. Set an alter, it can be theme related or just set to how you feel. Call in the energy you need, like love, support, strength, etc. And hold the vision of your higher self being open to receiving.
Journal your daily reflections. Journal your reflections and any messages you received during your meditation, what you're grateful for, your emotions, etc. Get all your thoughts out and onto the paper. Do this in bed so you can let your mind wander and drift to sleep.