How to Make Healthy Homemade Deodorant Angel Quintana September 7, 2017 HOW TO MAKE HEALTHY HOMEMADE DEODORANTRecipe by Darlene Dunn Healthy Homemade Deodorant As busy professionals we want to look and feel our best. It is a good bet you have deodorant or antiperspirant in your bathroom. Have you read the label lately? All antiperspirants and most deodorants contain aluminum. There is research out there linking aluminum to Alzheimer’s and Breast cancer.So.....what’s a gal to do? She can’t go around all stinky. We recently made and have been using a healthy homemade deodorant. It is easy to make and will last a long time. It has been quite effective at eliminating body odor!Ingredients:3 tablespoons of coconut oil3 tablespoons of baking soda2 tablespoons of shea butter2 tablespoons of arrowroot powder5 drops of tea tree oilDirections:Take a mason jar and put the shea butter and coconut oil in and set the jar in a pan of water and heat until melted, remove from heat. Then add the baking soda and arrowroot powder mix well and then add essential oils. That’s it! Super simple and quick and it will last a very long time. We use a wooden skewer stick to pull some out, use our finger and apply. MORE RAD IDEAS: Why Embodiment is Key to Co-Creating with the Universe 3 Basic Steps to Deal With Your Inner Demons through Shadow Work The Feminine Divinity Temple: 3 Aspects of Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness The Rise of the Divine Feminine: Releasing the Shadows of the Masculine Energy Stop Sleeping: A Poem Soul Reporting: A Devotional Practice to Unlock Inspired Action