Healing the Body From Dark Entities with Yin Yoga


Article by Karin M. Yearwood


Dark entities are low-vibrational, light-absorbing frequencies that pull us far from our divinity. You may have heard from other sources and belief systems terms like demons, archons, evil spirits, etc. These are basically the same thing. When dark entities attach to us, they can affect our entire lives. I want to focus on how we are affected physically by these entities. Just like dark entities can attach to us in many ways, there are a plethora of treatments to heal all parts of the human body. Yin yoga is just one holistic modality that allows the body to release harmful and toxic energy that has been stored.

Aside from the chronic cramps and aches in our muscles and joints from poor posture and physical support, our bodies actually act as an intelligence system for the metaphysical properties we encounter. Sometimes it’s through physical interaction with other people. Have you ever hugged someone, then felt an unusual pain in your body? Ever have a casual conversation with someone and afterward, you were incredibly exhausted? The dark entities of those individuals have attached to you.

Also, our bodies will hold energetic information around past traumas and injustices and store them in particular areas of the body. According to Greg Nigrin, owner of Warriors Alchemy Yoga, “sometimes what we store in our tissues are things we didn’t want to deal with [...] it could be a [lifelong issue] or daily things.” Tight shoulders? Achy low back? This is potentially an alert that we have unresolved traumas or we’ve encountered negative foreign energy and we need to release it.

We need to process old emotions so we can let them go.

Dark entities can come in the form of emotions like not feeling good enough, feeling unloved, and feeling unappreciated from working in a job that is not in line with your calling. Anger is one emotion in particular that can cause pain in the body if it is not released. What about the random injury-like pain that you cannot explain? When we’ve pushed down our emotions, we are not allowing parts of ourselves to be fully expressed.

In addition to the emotional aspect of dark entities in the body, we have the physical habits that compound the detriment of blocked energy. Most of us are accustomed to sitting in the most unbeneficial positions with our feat constricted in shoes causing our soles to be bounded downward. Unprocessed energy gets pushed down and stuck in the connective tissue, especially the hips and groin area.

Furthermore, regularly ingesting poor quality food is nourishment for dark entities. When we’ve been neglectful in how we care for our bodies, both internally and externally, we have given a portal for dark entities to attach to us in various aspects of life. See, our bodies have a natural energetic storing mechanism and it knows when energy is harmful, but what it doesn’t know is how to let it go. As human beings, we are programmed to hold on. When something doesn’t work, what do we do? We try again. We try to fix and manipulate and change circumstances so we can hold on to what we know as normal. But what physical pain and discomfort could be telling us is we need to let go and heal.

So what is yin yoga, and how does it help us detox dark entities?

Yin means the conscious art of allowing. Yin yoga is all about gentle softening and releasing.

Many of the poses in yin yoga are hip opening. Deep lunges, swan pose, yogi squat, happy baby, and wide knee child’s pose are some of the holds done in this style of yoga. Although most of these poses are done in other forms of yoga, in yin they are practiced as longer holds. Typically 2 or 3 minutes in each pose. By sinking into each of these poses, we are allowing the body to stop its intelligent programming of holding on. Nigrin states, “by laying in the poses for extended periods of time, focusing on the breath with the intention to release, we are able to move blocked energy… the willingness of surrender and release gives our bodies permission to let go.”

During each pose, many people will experience heavy emotions, racing thoughts, irregular breathing, and/or sweating. The body is simply detoxing energy that should not be there. Yin yoga is all about allowing versus other forms of physical activity that require you to force or build endurance. It’s difficult to release anything with a tense body. Dark entities are starved with this yoga practice because they lose areas to hide and feed in the body. Just like any workout or detox, practice and consistency are needed. Regular yin sessions can train the body to not hold so tightly. So over time, you will have heightened awareness and you will build a bit of defense to dark entities. And then our divinity becomes clearer and clearer.


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at www.theoccultchateau.com


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.
