Why is Writing a form of Spiritual Activation
Writing can be a beautiful outlet for our souls and our hearts desire to come to life. When we take the time to write what’s in our hearts, we are creating a moment for our truth to be heard. We are allowing our purpose to be shared and intellectually absorbed by others. When we recognize our path in life and feel strongly enough about it with confidence to write it, that is then allowing us a chance to gift a positive message relating to our life’s journey with the world. To leave behind our written word is an expression of our energy. It is a way to communicate the legacy of the language in our hearts. When we write we allow our heart and mind to fall into a synchronization of verbal alchemy. It is where the physical and the intangible spirit meet in alignment.
Writing is a form of Magic
Writing has the power to bring our intentions to life in a magical way. It is a little something called word, sound, power because when our words are spoken, they are activated. The word abracadabra means “I will create as I speak’. We have so much more magical potential through our words than most people can comprehend. It’s like the power of thought, amplified through the magic and grace of the written word, then spoken aloud by the gift of our divine voice allowing the creation of our reality. We write it, we speak it, and the universe begins to deliver it. Affirmations, mantras, and prayers can be called upon lifetime after lifetime giving our words eternal life. Letting our existence be a tool that is timeless and forever valued. The mantra “Om Mane Padme Hum” translates to “Praise to the Jewel in the Lotus”, which means all the knowledge of the entire universe lives within our hearts. The Knowledge being the “jewel” and the “Lotus” being our hearts. We are born with the entire universe in our hearts.
Writing is Therapeutic
We can escape reality for moments with a therapeutic release when we let go and write our thoughts. We are practicing manifestation when we use writing as a form of inspirational therapy. Writing yourself love notes, and doodles relating to self-appreciation and worth is a direct invitation for positivity. Drawing symbolic diagrams of your goals, dreams, desires, wishes and things you want will attract these blessings into your life. Writing is a tool; it has been used as a tool since the beginning of time. It has been used as power and as spiritual activation through prayer. We must always remember to speak gently, use our words as our magic, and to help raise the vibration of others with the gift of our voice. Write, create, love life, and speak our truth one sacred word at a time.