3 Tips to Help Manifest Abundance in Your Business


Article by Leah Ferraro

3 Tips to Help Manifest Abundance in Your Business

3 Tips to Help Manifest Abundance in Your Business

In a state of self-doubt, sabotage, overwhelm you're not able to tap into the higher vibrational state. An energy source that is quantifiably massive to expand your spirit to find freedom and abundance.

Applying this in your business, well, hello abundance. Here are 3 Gifts you can apply today.

1 :: Settle the Mind

What? that's hard. I hear you. Every day has so many demands, on top of all of the ideas that come from the 4D realm. The continuous thoughts and ideas that come, and you know that if you just apply them to things, it will manifest your reality. If you take time and space, even 10 minutes to settle the mind and remember that you're an ever-present witness to your thoughts. You have the power to choose to focus your energy on and in doing so your executions skills heighten.

Now, ask yourself. What has triggered the self-doubt? You are a witness to your thoughts. What are you thinking when the emotional energy of self-doubt comes in?

Here are some good ones:

  • "of course I failed… why bother?"

  • "I don`t deserve more than I have"

  • "everyone else has everything figured out, why don`t I?"

  • "There is too much against me it's impossible."

What emotions were triggered by these thoughts? Depression, helplessness, discouragement, disappointment? Was it something that happens often? Take a journey in your past only for a moment. Don`t stay. What has continued these thoughts to reoccur? What self-limiting belief did you decide to have that has stayed with you?

Use this tool! to change an old pattern of behavior to make space to access new frequencies.

2 :: Embodiment

You see her. The women you know your ever potential can be. You imagine her exploring, doing the things that you know will bring you joy. Yes, even in the 3D world if that is not that current reality doesn't mean you cannot embody her.

You can! You will! You are! Create your vision. Tell yourself into the last detail. what she does looks like, what house does she live in, what does she feel when she wakes up in the morning. As many details as possible! write write write. Use all 5 senses in this process. Use this toll to then tap into and feel your desire frequency.

A ritual that helps with my embodiment even after creating this vision which is such an important step is mantras. Morning mantras my lovely friend, are a powerful force of embodiment. The mantras you create should give you the same frequency feeling and desire as you had when creating your vision!

Once you tap into your desire frequency time and space will open up to you…

3 :: Moving the Energy

Now that we have open the heart to listen, the mind to see, now let's move the energy in your physical body…

Everyone has their way or ritual of doing this. I`d like to suggest what I've learned in my experience. Take a moment to become aware of your current state, do you need to move energy(regulate) with your, body, mind, or soul. Emotions I found are best moved through physical movement as stress and anxiety can get trapped in the body.

Some practices I highly suggest to move to stagnate energy in the body is:

  • Yoga

  • Qigong

  • Walking

  • Dancing

  • Yin yoga

  • Sound

  • Washing

  • Infusions (essential oils)

  • Breathwork

  • And the master of the all… Healy, it has a quantum sensor that reads your Biofield in real-time and suggests what frequencies programs with be best for you. Then delivers micro-current frequencies unique to your signature. It has been the most powerful tool I`ve had to move suppressed energies in my body.

"The secret of the universe really is minding your own business. What we mean by that is: Don't get so involved in the desires or beliefs of others that you cause confusion or chatter in your own vibration and compromise your own alignment." — Abraham Hicks


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at www.theoccultchateau.com


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.
