Spring Clean Your Body with a Dandelion Detox

Spring is just around the corner and with this new and fresh season comes the urge to “Spring Clean” the house and surroundings. While I do love a good home revamp, I tend to kick up my spring cleaning a notch and bring that ideology to the body with a digestive detox.

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Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at www.theoccultchateau.com


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

The 5 Things You Must Do Before You Hire a Coach or Consultant

Anyone can throw up a cheap website and call themselves an expert in anything. Here are 5 things that you can do to eliminate the crazies and find your true match to work with...

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Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at www.theoccultchateau.com


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

3 Video Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business Fast

Video Marketing Strategies

Video Marketing Strategies


Article by Bianca Filoteo  
Photo Credit: Spell Designs
Magazine: Issue #10

Spring is a great season to include online videos to your marketing plan. It not only gives your audience a fresh look into your brand, but it also serves as a great tool to spread your message and your expertise since online video is very easy to share (especially via social media).

Here are three ways you can start using videos to boost your visibility: 

1. Film a short video introducing your brand.

This is an excellent way to show your personality, explain your big mission and big vision for your business, tell your story and speak your truth. This type of video provides the best opportunity to truly make a connection with your audience.

You can place this video on any page of your website but the best place to feature this video would be your About page or Home page as these pages statistically receive the most views.

2. Produce a short "trailer" for your product or program.

Think of this as a mini sizzle reel for an e-course, a signature product or a coaching program that will entice your audience to take action.

And don't be afraid to let your creativity soar with this video! Add music to serve as your soundtrack to evoke more emotions and feel free to feature a combination of video and photos in your trailer.

3. Create a video series.

To capture and keep your audience's attention, you want to try to keep your videos short (no longer than 5 minutes). But what happens when you have so much to share about a certain topic? Create some leverage by dividing the content into 3-4 shorter videos.

This is a great way to have your audience coming back for more and it will also strengthen your credibility as an expert in your niche. A simple way to start a video series is to think of one frequently asked question in your area of expertise where you can extensively provide an answer to - take your top 3-5 points and create a video for each one, and voila! You have your video series.


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at www.theoccultchateau.com


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

How to Reduce Cravings and Revamp Your Adrenals


How to Reduce Cravings

How to Reduce Cravings

Article by Courtney Hermann  
Photo Credit: Halley Elefante
Magazine: Issue #10

When we hear the saying, spring-cleaning, what comes to mind? I think of cleaning out my closet, getting organized, having a garage sale, etc.…Basically just starting fresh. But how about relating that philosophy of a fresh start to your body, mind, and spirit? As a holistic nutrition coach, I know how important it is to detox and allow your body to rid itself of harmful toxins and impurities. And friends, when I say detox I do not mean you should do a master cleanse or juice fast, I’m talking cutting sugar, gluten, alcohol, processed foods, sugar, dairy, excess caffeine, and did I say sugar? 

By doing so you allow your body to recover, reduce it’s cravings, revamp the adrenals, and give it the LOVE it needs from real nutrient dense foods. Once certain foods are introduced back into your system you will notice how they make you feel and if you have any sensitivities to them. This is called an Elimination diet.

I usually recommend doing this for 7 days and keeping a journal to write down how you feel physically, emotionally, and mentally during and after the 7-day process.

You can infuse a CLEAN plant based meal replacement protein shake (I recommend Vega One), and/or an herbal detox kit (helps to heal from a deeper cellular level) that you can find at Whole Foods or online.

Now for that mind a spirit part I mentioned, that could quite possibly be the most important aspect of your Spring Cleaning. Now more than ever, I have realized the importance of a clear, positive mindset when setting out to do anything. When cleansing, it is key to focus on mindset and giving your self a break from all of life’s stresses and practicing self-care. I know what you’re thinking, easier said than done right? But the results are in the actions.

I suggest the following:

•    Dry Brushing- Brushes off dead skin allowing pours to open for toxin release

•    Hot towel scrub- Take a hot towel, top to bottom, in circular motion to activate the lymphatic system and loosen fat cells.

•    Bath time with essential oils, candles and a good book (an uplifting book, no horror/crime)

•    Incense

•    Calming Teas

•    Restorative or therapeutic yoga/meditation

•    Support-do it with a friend or group

•    Plan ahead


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at www.theoccultchateau.com


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

5 Simple Ways to Getting Back on Track

women entrepreneurs

women entrepreneurs


Article by Marlo Wright  
Photo Credit: Nancy Schoenmakers

Often in business, and as the owner of the business, there are times -- those dark times we’d rather never speak about. Times that creep upon us during the quiet of the afternoon when no one else is around. Some thing wisps its way towards us and starts up meaningless and fearful conversations.

“Is this really working?” it asks, then all of a sudden fear has consumed everything about us, from the top of our heads to the bottom of our feet. It’s fight time! It’s time to pull out the big guns and swiftly kick ourselves in the pants --snap out of it. 

Of course it is working! There are employees, customers, and fans! So then why does that feeling come? Why does it seem real? Often times, our emotions are under attack, and our responsibility becomes self-preservation. Most of the time it’s a chance to learn something new.

Perhaps the feeling is coming because though you’ve had success at one level, a new level is in transition. The ground beneath doesn’t seem as sure as it once did. It is something that was desired [growth], but once the tectonic plates beneath start shifting, the jolts and sways of uncertainty can become overwhelming. 

Here are five helpful resources towards getting you back in a more stabilized state of mind and back on track:

1.    Recognize what’s going on around you.

Don’t take anything on as personal during this time. The worst thing is to take on something that doesn’t belong to you and waste precious time and energy. 

2.    Be careful what you ingest.

Garbage in, Garbage out is imperative at this time. Your mouth can be your greatest enemy if it comes into agreement with what fear is trying to convince you of. 

3.    Talk to the right people.

Sharing your business, personal or business, can be detrimental if shared with the wrong people. The last thing you need are naysayers polluting  your space. 

4.    Learn the lesson.

In every great struggle there’s and equally great revelation to learn from. Don’t be so caught up in the mechanics of what is going on that you don’t pay attention to the how to overcome it.

5.    Dig in deep.

Ultimately, no matter if you have your own cheerleading squad behind you every step of the way, they can’t do it for you. You have to dig deep within to win. You have to fight. You have to change your attitude and come out winning. 

Emotions are like waves, they will toss you to and fro if you allow them. You are a fighter, otherwise you wouldn’t be in business in the first place! You would have been content with a comfy, cushy job behind a desk, clocking in and out daily for someone else. It’s time to kick yourself in the pants because at the end of the day YOU CAN DO IT! You keep doing it, until you reach your goals!

Then you’re crazy enough to reach those, and set new ones! You are amazing and one of a kind! the world needs you to flourish! 


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at www.theoccultchateau.com


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.