Who Your Soulmate Really Is


Article by Kim Dudine

Who Your Soulmate Really Is

Who Your Soulmate Really Is

Most of us have been taught that when you meet your soulmate, everything rearranges to align your partnership into an immediate, mystical connection that never withers or strains, and certainly is never questioned. Of course, there is an intimate and palpable soul recognition, but we know that the entire point of this incarnation is not Skipping Go and Collecting your next evolution in frequency just because you’ve “found” your soul’s counterpart.

Contrary to everything we have swallowed whole as immutable societal truths, your soulmate is actually designed to confront you with all these untruths; to reveal to you every pattern you are here to dissolve. Their purpose is not to lull your life into a dream state like we see in the movies – their role is activating and sometimes alarming in how quickly they can awaken hard and beautiful forgotten truths deeps within you. Things you have refused to look at or have chosen to bury in fear of what might happen if we fully meet our potential and purpose in being here.  

“…we know that the entire point of this incarnation is not Skipping Go and Collecting your next evolution in frequency just because you’ve “found” your soul’s counterpart.”

Soulmates are here to ignite your dreams – the big ones you were sure would only ever be dreams. They are here to mirror to you all the ways you move through this world, and often will keep a megawatt spotlight on the dense, hard to look at shadows we all get away with avoiding if not for an unconditional reflecting force of love invested in our wellbeing. A force of love that turns all of our external searching and blaming into an introspective listening and nourishing of all that we have ignored or quieted within.

Your soulmate will demand that you listen to your soul.

They will require you to afford yourself the type of listening, contemplation and intimacy with your own heart that you hope to receive from a partner. A soulmate will not let you get away with not loving yourself, and they certainly will not enable living a life below the stature of who you came here to be. They will hold strong in every storm, anchoring you to their love as you explore some of the most tumultuous weather patterns of your mind and your heart. They will be there, and bear witness to all of it, as bearing witness to someone’s journey is to make it real.

And so their greatest gift to you is not completing you; but asking that you search for all the areas in which you feel incomplete, and buttressing you as you begin to bravely fill them with light. They will watch you heal unimaginable hurt, and they will allow you to feel and meet unconditional love in all its forms – not just romantic. They will be a best friend and a mentor; a confidant and a provoker; and they will do it all with perpetual love.

Your soulmate will stand steady as you choose every harrowing and beautiful moment to evolve through your ultimate becoming.

They are not here to bring you happiness; rather -- they add to your capacity to feel and create happiness by gently delivering all the ways in which you refute it in your own life by your own ways of being. They will reveal all the ways in which you keep love from yourself by mirroring all the tricks and shortcuts your heart and mind have learned to deploy in order to keep you safe. They do not move. They do not falter. They simply love you and bear the sacred honor of watching the most intimate and heavenly process of you returning back to yourself. Their presence in your life is the master deliverance of your soul’s expansion

“They do not move. They not falter. They simply love you and bear the sacred honor of watching the most intimate and heavenly process of you returning back to yourself.”

We were never made with missing pieces. We didn’t come here incomplete in a desperate search for a panacea “other half” that we somehow have to plunder and pillage through lovers until we one day find the perfect match. We came here to remember how beautifully whole and equipped we are to create all that through ourselves. Relationships are the ultimate litmus tests for how we’re progressing through this wild and beautiful Earth School.

Ultimately, your destined match will only be able to love you in all the ways you desire once you have learned how to love yourself, in all its entirety, and see yourself as your own soulmate. Once you see and know and touch what your wholeness feels like -- what power your uniqueness holds – you allow and invite another being to do the same. In the end, you are the soulmate you have been waiting for. The love you crave is your own.

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