The 5 Pillars of New Earth Leadership


Article by Kristen Lynch

The 5 Pillars of New Earth Leadership

The 5 Pillars of New Earth Leadership

We are living in an extraordinary time. As the world ascends from 3D to 5D consciousness and the current paradigm undergoes a deep clearing and healing, a new earth, one that supports the highest good for all, is emerging.

Completing this massive evolution in consciousness will require global leadership. The earth needs high-frequency, visionary people to facilitate in its ascension. If you have already awakened, spirit has likely called on you (or will soon be calling on you) to lead in your own, divinely assigned way - whether through healing, speaking, teaching, writing, conscious business, mentorship, or any other aligned expression.


My intention in writing this article is twofold. First, to inspire you to accept the call for leadership. Second, for you to understand how to be of highest contribution to the collective during this time.

New earth leadership is rooted in 5D consciousness and defined by five distinct pillars. If you’re ready to rise as a leader in the new era, read on…

Pillar 1: Operating as a Divine Creator

To be a new earth leader, you must know you are a physical expression of Source. When you know this, you know you are brilliant, your ideas are potent, you are infinitely powerful, and it is safe to trust yourself and your inspired ideas.

You rise beyond 3D limitations. You believe not that you are a victim of your past, but rather, a powerful creator of your reality. You get out of your own way, take action, and allow yourself to be divinely supported.

You bring forth original, channeled messages, teachings, content, and offerings. You no longer feel the need to dilute your radical ideas or regurgitate others’ messages for acceptance. You are here as a changemaker.

Pillar 2: Embodiment

Because new earth leadership is all about integrity, embodiment is extremely important. You can only take others as deep as you’ve gone yourself. Embodiment is about being a living, breathing, walking expression of your work, even behind closed doors. Collective ascension starts at the individual level, so you must lead yourself before you can lead others.

This is also about being before doing. You must be aware that serving others is more about how you do what you do and less about what you do. As a new earth leader, you prioritize holding higher frequencies and evolving in consciousness before taking action.

Pillar 3: Radical Responsibility

In the new earth, there is a shift from personal gain to the highest good for all - the individual, the planet, the animals, and the rest of humanity. If you want to create a world where all beings and things thrive, you must set the standard. This means, you must be deeply in touch with the impact your beliefs, your energetic frequency, your work, your actions, and your ways of being have on the collective.

This begins by clearing 3D programs from yourself and your work. For example, are you still holding onto beliefs rooted in separation or lack? Are your marketing strategies igniting fear, shame, and powerlessness in others? Are your offerings feeding the old paradigm? Are you circulating the money you generate into organizations that contribute to suffering on the planet? Many areas of your life and work may need to be cleansed and regenerated.

Pillar 4: Removal of Hierarchy

In 5D, all beings are seen as equal and sovereign. Even in positions of leadership, hierarchy is removed and you see yourself as equal with those you interact with. You honor your unique genius, but you also honor the genius and sovereignty in those you lead. You’re aware that, although your work may be a massive contribution to others, they don’t NEED it or you to be whole or ascend - they are their only true savior.

Additionally, you do not force your teachings onto others. While you may share your gifts and spread your message boldly, you ultimately direct others back to themselves to decide what is in their highest truth and alignment.

Pillar 5: Anchoring the New Paradigm

The final, and perhaps most important of the five pillars of new earth leadership, is that you operate from 5D consciousness and are fueled by the principles of the new paradigm. You are led by love vs. fear. You have moved from ego consciousness to soul consciousness. You promote oneness over greed in your work. Your actions are rooted in abundance over lack. You create from ease and inspiration instead of effort and force. You contribute to a planet where all can exist as the expression of the divine that they are.

The second piece here is that, at least on some level, planetary ascension must be an objective of your work. For example, you may start a completely new endeavor, teaching others how to live in 5D. Or you might continue the same job you’ve always had, but start to infuse your tasks with more consciousness and higher frequencies. In either case, planetary ascension is an outcome of your work.

Leading during this time requires a willingness to be of the first to lock in higher levels of consciousness and infuse them into your work. By aligning with these pillars, you can be sure that you are serving in accordance with the new earth timeline.

Know that you chose to incarnate during this time to contribute to the ascension of humanity. You have unique gifts specifically designed to support the highest good of the planet. It is time to remember that you are here to lead, to get into divine action, and to birth your sacred ideas.

Join me in this new era of leadership so, together, we can create a world where all beings and all things thrive.

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