The first time I read the Zen proverb that says, “Let go or be dragged” was on a magnet in a beautiful marketplace amongst flowers, and other pretty things. Big power can be delivered in small packages. I guess
it sometimes takes a bit of being dragged, and a few bumps & bruises along the way before we learn that the lesson is sometimes within the lesson.
That you get what you are willing to tolerate.
Without consciously realizing it, I found myself at the intersection of Freedom and Struggle. I had invited ‘Struggle’ in and it took several years and holistic course corrections to figure out that I had never actually served notice and kicked ‘Struggle’ back out. I had been harboring a fugitive. No, it was more like I unintentionally became a host to an unwelcome guest who way overstayed his welcome…and I was finally ready to: Let.It.Go.
Without realizing it, I had embodied all of the fear, self-judgements, self-worth issues, and lack-minded thinking into the cellular level of my body and mind. My conditioning was so thick that it felt as if it had permeated each cell, and my poverty-minded shadow self was not going to give up control easily. A shift from the soul level was the only way to declare freedom over my voice and the connection to my inner muse.
When we allow our low-vibrational emotions like fear, lack, low self-worth, etc… to take control, we are allowing our subconscious to suppress and weaken our immune system—which can cause a whole host of unwelcome guests to get your attention. Been there. Done that. Not a good thing.
It takes knowledge and a willingness to let go. To choose to dive into the dark and damp unknown and camp out there until you find clarity. Trial and error through fire and wear. To open up to experience your inner muse, who is granting you with guidance that shines brightly, lighting your path.
It takes the art of being patient with yourself—which is a continuous practice, at least for me, I will admit. Allowing the deeper meanings, the answers, and the signs that always fit together seamlessly, to flow to you when they feel just right. Allowing guidance to flow through you, helps you to choose alignment with your inner muse. Oh, and afterwards, when that radiant energy of your sacred choice peeks through and joins up with courage— that’s when the magic happens.
Only when I was ready to choose to listen, and really hear the guiding whispers of my inner muse—only then could I begin to recognize and trust that oh-so-soft inner voice.
Not to mention the delicious depth of feeling, inner strength, and the gifts of higher knowledge that she brings along for the ride.
This newborn strength helped me to realize that I had the power to heal from within. When I chose to relinquish control and to relish in the deep waters of clarity and freedom, that is when I was finally able to cut the cords that connected me to that chapter. I was able to cut through the noise and recognize the ingrained patterns that had become very comfortable (in a not-so-supportive-but-I-didn’t-realize-it way).
In retrospect, I am entirely grateful for the struggles that I’ve experienced. They’ve allowed me to achieve the growth I need to find my next level of courage…and the next, and the next. Oh, there will be scuffs, scrapes, learning points and teaching moments still to come knocking at my door, but each time I know that I will stretch myself a little further to embrace the flow and to yet again practice the sacred act of healing forward, choice by choice. It’s not a blanket or a band-aid anymore. It’s a rinse and renewal.
It’s the fine art of manifestation and transformation by choosing Freedom over Struggle.
Remember to express gratitude for these life lessons, and to be gentle and forgiving with yourself. You are on a higher calling path and going through this process will fuel your powers of learning and healing. It will empower your sense of self and allows the soul to exhale and shine her healing light through you.
Freedom and Struggle cannot co-exist. It’s time to show one of them the door. It’s time to heal forward. So, just take a breath and remember: that the magic ingredient is choice; that each day is a new day; and that you have the power. It’s your choice.