Self-care and self-love fill our cup, rejuvenate our heart and soul, and thereby allow us to give back to the world from a more pure space. Therefore, rituals of self-care are some of the most important things we can do to stay in that magical flow. Feeling whole with a nurtured heart keeps us in the healthy balance needed to thrive, be our best, feel fully alive and inspired. Giving back to yourself is a little invitation to the universe to send you more gifts, blessings, more health and wellbeing.
Showing up for yourself every morning with gratitude for life and the start of a new day is key. Saying a morning affirmation of self-love, stating that your purpose to manifest all that is beautiful and joyful, along with the seeds you have planted through your heart’s vibration, is opening a door to your soul’s purpose and destiny. Knowing how the law of attraction works will make it very simple to feel positive, and to continue to welcome that kind of alignment into your lifestyle.
During the sweet hustle and grind of everyday work life, we can create healthy diversions to keep ourselves feeling inspired, aligned, and balanced. To allow yourself little gifts is saying yes to every cell in your body. It is saying yes, that you deserve happiness in every part of your creation your DNA and soul. The more we say yes to receiving, the more blessings keep showing up.
A little gift to yourself can be taking the time to journal, taking a beautiful nature walk, drinking a yummy hot tea, a massage, a facial, getting your nails done, meditation, your favorite treat, or maybe just taking that solo trip somewhere to check in with source energy. Anything you do to recharge and step into alignment with your higher self is beautiful.
It is wonderful to love yourself, and it is contagious it radiates out to the entire universe. Remembering to care and love yourself first is recognizing that you are a gift. You are connected to every being. You carry the entire universe in your heart, and you are made of stardust. When we are aware of the ethereal essence of our souls, we start to align with an angelic vibration, and we start to reflect beauty and light of the stars. We all have the potential at any given moment to become our purpose.
Through the right acts of self-care and nurturing of the soul, we can grow into our effortless destiny. So, the happier we are, the more we both attract and radiate happiness. The more beauty we see, the more we radiate beauty. Be good to yourself by speaking to and sharing things with yourself the way you would to a best friend. Know your worth and don’t go giving it away to just anyone. Sharing your heart space with someone is precious; always remember to give yourself the first prayer.
Love is contagious and a happy vibration that keeps your aura glowing. So get giddy, get loving, and free up any obstacles that are in the way of honoring yourself! If you practice nurturing your heart, soul and body, you will discover a beautiful gateway to your own heaven on earth.
We have to listen to our hearts; we have to be ok with following the path of our spiritual calling. When we choose a path that doesn’t align with our soul’s purpose and the direction of the spirit, we disconnect. You can feel when you are in your divine flow; just listen. Always take a moment to check in and listen to your heart’s voice. The heart has more receptor sites for memory and emotion than the brain. We function from our hearts, we are shifted on a molecular level from everything we experience, and the heart carries that transformation.
We are free when we walk in alignment with our heart guiding our destiny.