How to Practice Sustainable Self-Care with Your Chakras


Article by Pollyanna Blanco

How to Practice Sustainable Self-Care with Your Chakras

In our modern world being busy is often displayed as a badge of honor. The more we do, the more scheduled we are, the more productive our days – or so we believe. It’s so easy to get caught up in all that the go-go-go energy that keeps us running frantically on the hamster wheel until we crash. Only then do we give ourselves full permission to catch our breath.

By the time we recognize the need for ‘self-care’, it can seem easier to grab quick outer fixes to reboot our energy so we can get back in the game. Living in this feast or famine approach to self-care keeps us stuck in survival mode, believing we live in a world of ‘not enough’ time, energy, and support.

Getting grounded in our body by balancing our chakras offers a more effective option. Rather than seek temporary relief outside of our self, exploring our chakras provides access to the rich energetic resources within, allowing us to generate all the energy we need.

Our chakras invite us to engage with ourselves in the quiet space in between all the activities, distractions, and demands and hear our higher spiritual guidance and download that inspired knowing into our body and our life.

No matter what’s happening around us, caring for our chakras daily will divinely empower us to stay centered, calm, and balanced – and when we are calm you we are more creative.

Our body has seven major chakra energy centers that align along our spine. Each center receives subtle information and filters it into our body’s organs and physical systems, as well as our emotional, mental, and spiritual states of being. These centers also broadcast our energy to the world and magnetize experiences to us. Our chakra system is truly our energetic anatomy that informs our physical body’s experience of being in the world.

Listening to what our chakras are ‘saying’ can offer us a heightened awareness of our experience of being in our body, our subconscious mind. It’s where energy from emotions, thought patterns, family beliefs, to name just a few often get warehoused to be dealt with ‘later’.

When we are living in our heads and trying to think our way through things we can miss the buried treasures hidden within our body’s discomfort. Anywhere we notice aches, pain, or resistance in our body is where we have more energetic resources available that want to come online to support us in being the fullest, balanced, most authentic expression of our selves.

A great way to open the conversation with our chakras is by inviting our higher dimensional guides and angels to co-create sacred space with a simple prayer.

“I invite my higher dimensional guides and angels to surround me with their unconditional love and light now. I am open. Please guide me.”


As you reflect on each question below, invite yourself to place your hands on each energy center location and see, sense, feel, hear, and notice what emerges. Notice how your body wants to move.

  • Be curious. You may recall memories, gain insights, see colours or shapes, feel emotions, or physical sensations.

  • Take note of these without judgment or analysis – be mindful of being open and receptive, listen to learn, love all that appears back into the light of your awareness.

  • Witness yourself and your human experience. If you find your mind wandering, gently bring it back to the sensation of your hands on your body and your breath.

  • Trust your first impressions and just be open to receiving them, knowing that whatever is presenting is in the right and perfect amount for you.

  • A daily chakra journal is a great way to practice showing up for yourself with love, sincerity, and presence.

Root Chakra: (tailbone area) how comfortable is it for me to be myself in the world?

Sacral Chakra: (beneath your belly button) how do I feel about change?

Solar Plexus Chakra: (beneath your ribcage) how do I express my gifts in the world?         

Heart Chakra: (in the center of your chest) how do I love?

Throat Chakra: (in your throat) how do l express my truth?

Third Eye Chakra: (between your eyebrows) how do I perceive and experience a sense of support from family?

Crown Chakra: (at the top of your head) how do I perceive and experience a Higher Power?

Our chakras provide an elegant map back to our true self. When we are too outer-focused we can become out of balance, unaware of the thoughts, emotions, intuition, and physical sensations awaiting our attention within.

Balancing our chakras is not a one-time event. We are energy in motion and our chakras reflect this ongoing fluctuation of interconnected energies dancing within and without us. Just like brushing your teeth or taking a shower, caring for our chakras regularly can support our total wellbeing in a sustainable way.

If you are tired of living life on the hamster wheel, it’s time to slow down and meet your chakras. Rather than chasing success with all that go-go-go energy, a deeper practice of self-care with your chakras will unleash enough energy to help you to truly soar beyond who you think you are.

You have everything you need inside of you – just need to slow down just long enough to receive it.

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