7 Tips For Growing Your Business From Home


Article by April Ray

The 7 Universal Laws For Success

The 7 Universal Laws For Success

Growing your business from home with ease…

It is said that there are 7 universal laws that govern our universe, (some say 12, but I think people are just making stuff up at that point!).

Regardless, it seems to me that the number 7 is a recurring theme i.e., 7th heaven…7 churches, 7 days that the earth was made…?

…I don’t know, maybe it’s just me. Lol!

Anyway, if this is true these laws must apply then to every area in our lives, including our business endeavors.

Humor me here as I walk you through applying these laws to grow your business from home.

Most people manage their business from home and everything else for that matter, without realizing that these universal laws exist and therefore these governing factors are kind of happening by default instead of the business owner using them to his or her advantage.

That being said, If you want to grow your business from home and create more free time and financial freedom for yourself (and what business owner doesn’t?), then it might be a good idea to study the 7 universal laws, or at least be familiar with them, and strategically apply them to your own home based business.

Ok, so let’s look at each law along with some examples of how you can apply them to springboard your business from home:

1. Applying Law of Deliberate Creation to Build Your Business From Home

“That which I give thought to with emotion, I attract more quickly.”

That’s a powerful quote!! I mean think about that.

That which I give thought to WITH EMOTION I attract more quickly! So emotion is a key element here. When we set goals for our home based business and work to FEEL the emotion of being successful, we will attract it to us like lightning fast. So I’d say it would be to our benefit to start right now to believe we have already succeeded. This law says we can actually choose the vibration we want in order to attract what we want and then match ourselves to that vibration.

Pretty friggin’ cool, right?!

Ok, but here’s the caveat

You have to choose your thoughts, words, wisely and don’t speak words that are incongruent with your goals. For example, if you want to attract more leads, stop saying that you aren’t good at sales or that your marketing never works.

2. Applying The Law of Allowing to build your business from home

“Allow the Universe to bring you what you desire without imparting resistance, and allow others to be as they are.”

So if resistance is futile, we must allow the Universe to handle the how’s when it comes to building our home business. We need to start each day from a place of non-resistance. Know that the Universe will deliver, but it may not come in exactly the way we expect. So just do what we know to do daily and don’t look up ‘til we get to the goal.

3. Applying The Law of Sufficiency & Abundance to build your business from home

“An unlimited supply of abundance is available to all.”

You can remove any fears that have you believing that you have to compete in your business. Remove feelings of jealousy for people whose businesses are thriving.There is enough for everyone, and you will succeed more from working together than you would from competing against each other.

Realize that money is simply energy, and that energy is abundant. Use this realization to help you sustain a knowing that the money will come once you believe that there is sufficiency and abundance for everyone.

4. Applying The Law of Pure Potentiality to build your business from home

“In our essential state, we are pure consciousness; therefore, through us all things are possible.”

Know that since you are spirit living in a physical body, your business is a spiritual extension of you. Run your business from home with the core spiritual values you stand for. When you do, doors will open for you in ways you can’t even imagine.

Be yourself in your business.

Don’t try to mimic others who are successful. Shine your own light. Be the unique individual that you are and people will respond to you in ways that will catapult your business from home.

5. Applying The Law of Detachment to build your business from home

“In order to acquire anything, you need to relinquish your attachment to it.”

This is another big one for building a successful business from home!

Instead of coming from a place of fear, thinking that you won’t succeed in your home business goals, choose an abundance consciousness and trust that the Universe will deliver. When you send a proposal to potential client, let go of the outcome.

As long as you did your best, know that if they are meant to be your client, they will be, and if they don’t, it is for good reason (maybe they are really unreliable, for example).

6. Applying The Law of Polarity to build your business from home.

“Unity is plural at a minimum of two.”

Focus your attention on the positive end of the spectrum so that you can gravitate toward it. Know that you have the power to shift your perception at any time, and that doing so can transform any problem you might be experiencing in your business.

7. Applying The Law of Reflection to build your business from home

“The traits you respond to in others, you recognize in yourself, both positive and negative.”

Understand that you can’t attract any person or circumstance to yourself that is not a reflection of you in some way. Use this knowledge to reflect on problems and people that you have a hard time with to determine what lesson you need to grow past.

Accept all “bad” circumstances and people that come into your life as a blessing in disguise because they are there to reveal to you what you need to do to grow into the person you want to become and to create the kind of life and business from home you’ve always dreamed of.


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at www.theoccultchateau.com


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.
