How to Go Green, One Sheet at a Time


Going Green One Sheet at a Time

Going Green One Sheet at a Time

Authored By: Cinthia Singleton
Photo Credit: Carley Page Interiors
Featuring: Jennifer Harrison

According to The Energy Co-op, the average American uses approximately 45 pounds of them per year. Yes, it’s true, and even in an age when everyone says they want to live a more Earth-conscious, ‘green’ life. How ‘bout we start by thinking about using fewer paper towels, people

Check out this ‘green,’ albeit old-fashioned alternative to paper towels: cloth.  

1| Stop setting a roll of paper towels on the dinner table. Instead use vintage napkins that you keep in a basket on the table. Personalize the collection by seeking design styles that speak to you. Chicken images. Shabby chic embroidery. Days of the week. 60s mod. When the supper dishes get picked up, the napkins go into a soak bucket then get run in the next wash. [Soak bucket / sōk buck•et / noun / a bucket filled with sudsy detergent, bleach and water. Otherwise known as Ask Your Grandmother.]

2| Dishtowels. Now here’s where older can be better. Cotton or linen, vintage dishtowels are fabulously absorbent and soft, and generally lint-free. Calendar, travel themes, novelty prints… Quite a many are adorable too.

3| Instead of cleaning up spills and messes with several winds of paper towel, use a vintage towel. Terrycloth is super absorbent and comes in various sizes. Can’t say that about a paper towel. Keep ‘em on hand for when pups track in mud or kids drop juice boxes. Tip? Don’t just use some old towels but fun, colorful ones you pick up at estate sales. Just because they’re for “mop wiping” doesn’t mean they can’t be a cheery hot pink or groovy damask pattern.

4| As the cloth items get thin and worn they can then be used for other household projects (i.e. painting or washing the car) instead of the paper towels.

But aren’t vintage linens hard to clean? Nope. Got a bucket or laundry sink, water, Oxy and/or Shout, and a washer/drier handy, it’s EASY. Treat any stains and toss items in the soak bucket for the next wash load.  For specific types of stains there are many ‘how to’ tutorials on the interwebs. 

Doesn’t this create extra laundry and, in the process, more gas, electricity, and water consumed? Not really once the habits are in place. It will create conscious thought about one’s paper towel habit and, in the process, some new and ‘greener’ ones.  

How hygienic are vintage linens, really? Quite. Hot water wash cycle and they’re sanitized, clean and ready to be used again.  

What about bacon? Ah, yes, and what about BACON? Whether swine or vegan rice bacon, there’s gonna be grease, and you know what? There’s no better way to sop up and soak grease than with a good old-fashioned paper towel. Use paper towels as needed, of course. Just as needed.

How to start this ‘new’ vintage linens consciousness…

1 :: Bring out Aunt May’s linen napkins or the tea towels your mother inherited from her mother. They were meant to be used and loved.  Pick up pretty linens at yard or estate sales, eBay or Etsy.  Remember that vintage doesn’t have to be dowdy.  Look at vintage Vera table linens, for example - as fresh today as they were in the 1960s.  

2 :: Keep linens in handy, easy to reach places.  Basket of napkins on the table.  Mop towels in a drawer by the back door or hand towels in the glove box.  

3 :: Stop keeping the paper towel roll in the most convenient places, i.e. on top of the counter near the sink. Force the household into new habits, drawers or glove box.

In time - one square at a time - you’re keeping some of that 45 pounds of paper towel from hitting the landfills.

Use it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do, or do without.


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

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The Magic of Prebiotics and Probiotics

Prebiotics. Probiotics' Sexy Older Sister.

Prebiotics. Probiotics' Sexy Older Sister.


Article by Jacqueline Rizk
Photo Credit: Carley Page Interiors
Magazine: Issue #42

What’s the big deal about bacteria? 

Everywhere we look, every time we consult Dr. Google we get the information that probiotics are the cornerstone to health and wellness. Remember, probiotics are the “good” bacteria.

In fact, there are thousands of probiotics on the market today. Couple that with the advice that everything you eat and drink be fermented; from kombucha to kimchi, these days it’s all about the bacteria.

Although I don’t always agree with the injudicious use of probiotics (some strains can actually cause imbalances in the body) there is something everyone can and should do incorporate into their diet to harness the power of food as medicine. Prebiotics can have a profound effect on the health of the gut and even the immune system

Probiotics may get all the press, prebiotics are the digestive darlings with their soluble fiber that, among other things, feed the good bacteria in your gut and while those good bacteria are feasting on probiotics the byproducts called short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) which inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria. In fact, there is a lot of research being done on SCFAs which is showing promising results in colon cancer prevention, relief from chronic constipation and even inducing remission in those with inflammatory bowel diseases such as Chron’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.

So What’s a Prebiotic? 

Prebiotic foods are everywhere. Bananas, chicory root, Jerusalem and regular artichokes, raw greens, leeks, raw onions, raw garlic, tiger nuts, psyllium husks, konjac root, carob and oat bran are great examples of prebiotic foods.

A few of these prebiotic foods have several other benefits that are great for the waistline, too. Psyllium husks, konjac root and oat bran, for example, absorb water and swells in your digestive tract which aids in the feeling of satiety and fullness. This can help in slower gastric emptying which helps stabilize blood sugar. This also leads to increased leptin sensitivity thus helping you shed any excess pounds.

Bonus Points for Oat Bran.

Even though I am not big on most grains, oat bran has a special place in my heart as a prebiotic food. This unsung ‘superfood’ increases mucous production in the small intestine, which, in turn gives bile acids and digestive enzyme a greater chance of breaking down the foods you eat and delays transit time through the digestive tract giving your body the best chance of absorbing the nutrients of what you eat!

Oat bran is also beta-glucan rich which is important because, as the systems of the body don’t exist in a vacuum, there are always intersections between systems. Oat bran being a prebiotic and beta-glucan rich is where gut health and immunity meet.  

To make a long story short, beta-glucans have the unique ability to activate and modulate your immune system.

In short, giving oat bran a place at your breakfast table will boost both the health of your gut and your immune system and, before reaching for a probiotic pill, think about what you might have in your refrigerator right now that can feed the good bacteria that already exists in your gut!


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

Featured Interview: Jennifer Harrison


Interview by Angel Quintana
Photo Credit: Carley Page Interiors
Featuring: Jennifer Harrison
Magazine: Issue #40

Photography by Carley Page Interiors

Photography by Carley Page Interiors

When did you develop your uniquely styled brand? 

I don't see myself as having a "brand," mostly because what I do is truly a reflection of what I love: my passion for design and my addiction to the hunt. But I'd say that when my home was featured two years ago on a popular design blog, things really kicked off for me in a bigger way. It was at a time when I was ready to make some big changes in my home as my kids all left the nest, and I was finally able to dig into my vintage collection that had been steadily growing in my basement for years. I probably could have been recruited to be on that TV show Hoarders, I had so many piles of treasures. But these were all finds that were special to me, and I had never felt safe pulling them out when the kids were around because I was worried that one of them would throw a ball, or drop something, and then ruin them all. When I started transforming my home, I decided to document the whole process on Instagram. At the time, I never could have imagined that I would connect with so many people, or grow my audience to where it is today. 

What’s been your most successful method of getting your brand name out there?

Social media really started to take off at the time I started transforming my house. I have always tried to stay true to myself by sticking to my beliefs and own style, while keeping things focused. I have learned, especially over the past year, that you can start to lose yourself a bit when you immerse yourself in all the different styles being posted every day on Instagram. Even though it has evolved through the years, I have really tried to stay consistent with my own style. This has allowed me to use Instagram to connect with people all over the world, build amazing friendships, and grow an awesome community. Teaming up with these new design friends has given me a major support network that I am beyond grateful for. Instagram has really done amazing things for me and my brand. 

Photography by Carley Page Interiors

Photography by Carley Page Interiors

Since I have started my second account, @shopfleamarketfab, It has grown so fast that it takes up all of my time at this point. I have stayed focused on doing the Instagram sales and being consistent with it. I have such a passion and love for the people of Morocco, I was inspired to design my own line of cushions and pillows made from vintage rugs. I have been lucky enough to forge relationships with the families that make my products for me, and it means so much to me to make something that has never been out there before. Yes, we all have seen pillows but when you create them and set yourself apart from others in the way you do it, it's extra special. 

My goal is to see everyone with an FMF exclusive piece in their home. I want to continue to sell pieces that are one-of-a-kind and can be passed down as heirlooms to other family members. I use all of the pieces I design in my own, and wouldn't have it any other way. I would never sell something I wouldn't use myself. 

Between your flea market sales and your different levels of interior designing, which one requires more time?

We all know my heart skips a beat for textiles and interior details. I am a stylist by trade. I am so passionate about creating rich comfort on a budget, while still making your space completely unique. Each one of my pieces help others to do that, because they are all one-of-a-kind. 

I am always ready to change the game, and create something new that isn't out there. I already have so many plans and tricks up my sleeves for my next ventures, 2017 is going to be even more fun for me! I am beyond excited to share it all--as I say, "stay tuned," wink wink!!!

Photography by Carley Page Interiors

Photography by Carley Page Interiors

When you’re at flea markets, do you typically have a pretty good idea of what you want in mind or do you go in waiting for something to catch your eye and go from there?

I always think when I am going to a flea market I am going to be prepared with a list and behave with my purchases. BUT it just never happens that way, I always find the best things, none of which I actually need, but I still buy them (this is where the basement hoarder pile comes in). Even if I'm not exactly sure what I will do with something, I hang on to it until I am ready to introduce it to the "family"--haha!!! I feel, if you go to a flea market you have to have a open mind as you just never know what is going to be around the corner. If I have a client that is looking for certain pieces, yes, I go with a have to. But when you keep an open mind, you really strike gold! Being a Midwesterner living in Ohio, we only get the fleas for a few months, so I tend to venture out far to get what I want, get my fixes or just to travel. It's always so interesting to go to other states and flea.The best pieces I have in my home are flea found, and I wouldn't have it any other way. My friends always say "teach me your ways," but I have come to learn, it's deep in my veins. I was just born this way. 

When working with clients, do you have a system in place to determine what is it they want? Are they very involved in the process?

I always go for a comfortable budget with my designs, as there's nothing I love more than creating something amazing from items that only cost a few bucks. I think this is something that really sets me apart. It also means that I have the freedom to go back and make changes. And true confessions: I like to change things up. Every year or so, I make changes in my own home....I guess that's a side effect of being creative and having an artistic eye. 

Photography by Carley Page Interiors

Photography by Carley Page Interiors

I love vintage items so much because each piece comes with its own story...and that really speaks to me. Because each piece is so unique, using vintage in my designs also allows me to spread my wings a lot more. I don't follow design rules, and always like to go against the grain...this is what I have become known for. While most people seem to be embracing minimalism with a "no clutter" rule, I do the opposite. I'm a maximalist who believes that the more the better. And the crazier, the better. Each design I create is like a quirky love story for all my finds...and their history is part of the magic that I hope people people take away. This is what really makes me happy. 

I have been fleaing, junking, and thrifting for many years. It's been in my blood since my very young childhood with my mom. She would take me EVERYWHERE--up driveways for yard sales, into homes for estate sales, and down the streets of many Antique rows. Today I smile when I think back to those days, because if not for her and her passion for her own style and love for junk, I wouldn't be who I am today. 

What’s the hardest part of being an interior designer with your style?

Being a interior decorator // interior stylist always comes with its challenges when I am asked to incorporate my own style in someone else's space. I will hunt for days to make sure the vintage pieces I find work together like peanut butter and jelly. I treat every space as if it were my own, so there always has to be plants, texture, warmth, and comfort. I like to keep my brand and style, yet I always make sure the homeowner still feels they are part of the design process, because in the end, it's their home they are coming to. I always want my client to feel when they walk in the door they can drop their bag or purse and sit down with a glass of wine and feel relaxed. 

Photography by Carley Page Interiors

Photography by Carley Page Interiors

What is one piece of advice you’d offer someone looking to build their interior design brand?

I get asked quite a bit about how I got started. I can only say be confident, believe in yourself, and stay true to you. Because you are making long term decisions for people when you help to design their space.When being hired you have to be confident in your choices for them and be true to yourself...this will allow you to create your own style, and separate yourself to from others while staying consistent. 

I have come to realize that what I really love is inspiring others. It makes me so happy to know I have given someone the motivation and drive to create or change their space. When people contact me and share with me the photos of what they have done in their home,  a pillow they have used, or a painting they have created, it gives me life. I believe nothing makes you happier then finding your place in the world. With that comes a feeling of relief, love, and self worth. I want people to know that you can do anything you set your heart to--just stay focused and be true to yourself. Everything happens when it is supposed to, so don't give up on your dreams. Be inspirational to others, and all will fall into place. 


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

How to Control Your Energy with Reiki


How to Control Your Energy with Reiki

How to Control Your Energy with Reiki

Article by John Scardina
Photo Credit: Carley Page Interiors
Featuring: Jennifer Harrison
Magazine: Issue #40  

I’ve been a Reiki master/teacher for quite some time now and have always known that we are responsible for our own energy and for the most part the energies of those near us. But most certainly before being attuned to Reiki I would have never thought that I could control or manipulate my energy for positive results. These results once properly practiced and utilized provide so much positive and healing benefit to our minds, bodies, and souls. The best part is that it belongs to you forever, a lifetime! 

I grew up in the Midwest in a strong Roman Catholic household. You all know whatever religion you choose or follow, that upbringing where you were taught to pray to an entity that you will someday meet only after death. All this for a promise of an everlasting joyous time in eternity. There is nothing wrong with these teachings but for me and my beliefs it was not a good fit to depend on a single entity for everlasting joy. I chose to find my everlasting joy while still living and this is where my spiritual journey had begun in order to find a path that was more to my understanding and belief system, after all there has to be so much more. This is where I found Reiki.

Reiki a Japanese energy healing technique that originated from Dr. Makao Usui. Some even believe that this technique may even had origins much earlier in the Middle East, but I’m not here to tell its origin in detail. I just want to explain a bit of what Reiki is and how it helps you control your own energy. Reiki broken down from the Japanese language means “Universal (Rei) Life Force Energy (Ki) an energy that already exists in everybody and everything. We do not need to be scientists to understand that everything that exists, only exists due to the fact that it is all made of energy itself. 

Reiki being a hands on and distant energy modality makes it most suitable for anyone to be attuned to easily, and yes even from a distance. These attunements can be given to a student on the other side of the world. I at one time did not think this possible but indeed it is through the intent of the master and the acceptance the student. This unusual method of teaching this practice allows the student to practice Reiki and to control their own healing energy for positive benefits. By utilizing daily Reiki practice one can take control of mind, body and spirit. The meditative properties of this practice allow you to be in a relaxed state and we all how well a body heals in this state. To even further positive efforts with Reiki at level 2 you are attuned to several sacred symbols. With these symbols you can now even send Reiki energy into your past to heal long past issues and also send into the future to ease anxieties. There are so many ways Reiki can help you take control of your own energy. Imagine if you will an existence where everyone had control over their energy. Reiki is one of the most relaxing teachings that we can experience.

I know these few words in this article are not enough to explain everything Reiki can do, but I do hope you explore Reiki and the many benefits it possesses. Be in control of your energy at all times in life, the past, the present, and in business. Take control of your energy now. If ever there are any questions in regards to taking control of your energy, contact me, I love teaching this ability!


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

Featured Interview: Carley Page Summers


Interview by Angel Quintana
Photo Credit: Christina Cernik
Featuring: Carley Page Interiors
Magazine: Issue #37

Photo by Christina CernikFeaturing: Carley Page Summers

Photo by Christina Cernik
Featuring: Carley Page Summers

Have you always been interested in interior styling or did you begin developing an eye for it later in life?

Since I was a little girl, I would always rearrange my room, creating little sitting areas and vignettes. I have always had a passion to create a place for others to dwell and to feel at peace. Also, my mother has always had an eye for design, which rubbed off on me. 

What’s your main method of finding inspiration? When are you most creative?

Inspiration usually comes from my travels and the different cultures I am able to immerse myself into. I remember coming home after a six-month mission trip to Haiti, and wanting a more tribal, colorful vibe. When I am able to purchase a piece for my home, it usually comes from somewhere that tells a story. I am most creative when I am able to tell a story through my styling. 

How do you generally connect with people who want your interior designing expertise? 

Most people reach out to me through instagram. Most people have an idea of what they want, but need help pulling their vision together, which is where I come in! I try to advise people not to be impulse buyers and to wait until I can have a look and can cast vision together. 

With such a large instagram fan base, do you ever interact with your followers or take on the task of restyling their homes?

Yes, all the time. I find is so important to connect with my followers. I generally respond to each person who comments or messages me. I will give an occasional styling tip in a post, which generates a response from some followers wanting more help with the finishing touches on their homes. 

What’s your favorite method of shopping for furniture/home decor? (I.E. online, thrift, department, etc.)

I am an avid “craigs-lister” and thriftier. I think it’s important to connect with local vendors as well, in order to help grow and support the people around you. I also love finding new accounts on instagram who sell free trade goods and support a greater casue with their products. 

What do you typically take your photos with? 

As a photographer, I find it so important to have crisp and clean photos, so I shoot with my Canon 6D for the majority of my photos, but sometimes you have to catch the moment with the good ole’ I-phone. 

What one thing do you think is an absolute necessity for every home?

A necessity for every home is a rug. A rug can bring a certain character to a home that nothing else can bring. It’s a type of artwork, and there is usually so much craftsmanship that has gone into making a piece. 

Photo by Carley Page Summers

Photo by Carley Page Summers

What’s a rule of thumb you generally follow when you’re styling a home or room?

I think it is very important to really decide on a specific style for your home first; whether its bohemian, coastal, or modern, or any other style and stick with that. Certain styles look best with certain textiles and I think a room is built off of layers consisting of throws, pillows, rugs and curtains. After that, you can add in the fun little knickknacks. 

What’s something you’ve learned through the progression of building your brand that you wish you knew when you first started?

A crucial lesson I learned through this process is to stop comparing myself to others and their designs. We are all given specific passions and ways to carry them out. It is so important to be true to yourself, and go after your dreams without competing with others. We are in an industry with so much talent. A friend told me once to ‘lift as you climb.” I have really embraced that in my life and it is so important to support those around you while building a business. 

How did you get your interior styling name and brand out there in the beginning? How did you begin gaining your following and what was the most successful thing for you?

Instagram has been an integral tool for building my brand. I think what gained a lot of my following was creating a lux brand for less expensive pricing. Bohemian is very popular right now, but there is a way to make it look more lux instead of dorm room, and I think that was key in building my brand. I also respond to about everyone who comments on my posts. It’s important to stay relatable to a following and be who you would be if they were right in front of you. 

What is one piece of advice you can offer an aspiring interior stylist looking to build their business online?

If I could give one bit of advise, it would be to stay true to what you love. Fads come and go, but there are parts of your aesthetic that should be timeless. Also, stay present online and keep posting your work. Create a vibe that is unlike any other, but at the same time, create magical spaces in which others can imagine themselves.


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

We Are All Healers {Remove Life's Programming}


We Are All Healers

We Are All Healers

Article by John Scardina
Photo credit: Carley Page Interiors
Magazine: Issue #37

As most people go through life living a programmed life, I sit back and wonder how many years in my lifetime have I wasted living in this manner. We all know the routine, it does start early in our lives as we have little choice in our early years, we know no better and are dependent on a society that molds us. We are taught to fit into society at so many levels that restricts us to think and do only as others do. Society has created these events making it difficult to think for ourselves and become who we were meant to be or better yet, who we manifest to be.

This also hinders our beliefs that we can openly be allowed to think outside of the box and succeed by far surpassing those who never release a programmed life.

We do not succeed by being just like everyone else.

We have been raised by this society, but we have been lied to at the same time. It’s time that you hear the truth about breaking free from this programmed life.

I want to share a bit with all of you, as I’ve lived this structured and programed way for much longer that I should have. I’ve been educated throughout the years and excelled at many things just exactly like everyone else. This gave me an education (which is a great thing), but I never really thought for myself. I needed to figure out for myself what it took to be one or two steps ahead of the pack and succeed in business and life. Breaking free from these so called normal events was one of the most frightening moments ever. This was a time to look deep inside myself and determine what it was that I needed. This started with more education in the Holistic realm and finally stumbling into energy work. Something about this felt so right to me, the ability to manipulate energy for positive benefits. So many benefits that blew my mind.

If you had the opportunity to learn and master techniques that allow you to heal yourself, events and others, would you be able to handle this truth? Society has made us dependent of receiving healing from others exclusively. It’s time to break free from this dependency and freely explore the possibilities of what Energy Healing can do for you, your life, and your business. As a Reiki Master Teacher I teach the individual methods that allow this process to manifest in your life every day, placing you in control of your real truth. Can you handle the truth that you do possess this ability and just need to be attuned to this process and remove the programmed life concept forever? Deprogram yourself into a successful life and experience the real truth of who you are and what you can be! Learn to manipulate energy.


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

How to Make Your Brand Stand Out in a Crowded Market


Be The #1 Brand In A Crowded Market

Be The #1 Brand In A Crowded Market

Article by Gail Shapiro
Photo Credit: Carley Page Interiors
Magazine: Issue #37

It’s a very popular topic and for some of you a very big worry. You think you have a great idea for a business but then you look around to discover “so many others are selling or teaching the very same thing”. So how will you survive, let alone be the huge success you dream of becoming? If you look around carefully and closely at what you are perceiving to be your competition I promise:

“You will not find anyone doing exactly what you do – exactly how you do it!”

And that’s exactly how it should be.

Think about this: when you decide to buy a book on any given topic whether you are trotting off to the local book store or shopping online, as soon as you start searching you discover there are oodles of books to choose from.
:: Are they all written by the same author?
:: Do they all have the same title? Typeface? Pictures? # of pages?
:: Are they all written in the same style?
:: Are they all bound the same?
:: Do they all cover exactly the same details from the same perspective or
:: Out of the entire selection is there one book that stands out and appeals to you above all others?

Let’s say you need a new pair of black heels so you head out to the mall.
:: Do all the stores carry the same styles?
:: Are all the black pumps the same price point?
:: Does one store more have a more comfortable shopping vibe?
:: Is the customer service the same in all the stores?
:: Is one store more stylish than the others?
:: Is one store just calling your name?
:: Do you find that one special pair that you just can’t live without?

I could go on pointing out the ways all these businesses are different but I think you are starting to see that even though the fundamental topic of the competition may be the same, that the “packaging and presentation” of the message or product is different every time.

As a customer or client yourself, I’m certain you have shopped in stores you have loved and can’t wait to go back to and those you would never set foot in again. You have likely worked with coaches or mentors you could relate to and followed to the letter and at the same time you have refused to work with others because they just didn’t get you or you could relate on some level.

Well it’s the same for you. You are not meant to sell or work with everyone looking for help on your topic. You must create your own Brand Magic that will attract the followers you are looking to work with. (lets get real here – you can’t and don’t want to work with everyone – it’s your business and your rules – be selective!)

You get to choose:
WHAT you want to sell
WHO you want to sell it to
HOW you want to deliver it
YOUR PERSPECTIVE or angle on the topic
PRICING for your products or programs

That’s your Brand Magic! Your Brand Magic will make you the #1 Brand to the fans and stalkers you want as clients!


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

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