Kosmically Inspired Style


You are not just one thing, and your style + brand should reflect that! If you are ready to show some of your magical side through what you wear, but aren’t sure how, this is a must-watch! In this episode, of Living in NEON!, Eyenie shares some easy ways to bring out your inner goddess, priestess or magic woman and stand out from the crowd online or at your next event.

Living in NEON! with Eyenie Schultz

Are you ready to step out of blah grey-scale and leap into NEON?! Join SoulStyle Coach & Visibility Facilitator, Eyenie Schultz for "Living in NEON!" to learn how use your unique beauty, mad style and mindset to feel WOW and live a life you mega dig, and let the authentic YOU radiate!

Host: Eyenie Schultz

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